The Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a threatened tortoise species native to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka where it inhabits dry areas and scrublands.
My adult stars rarely try to climb their indoor or outdoor enclosure walls or attempt to escape. They seem to be content where they are. Little babies seem to like to burrow and climb more than adults.
Interestingly, male Indian Star Tortoises for sale are usually 5-8 inches long. Females are the larger of the species getting 4-5″ larger than males. Indian Star tortoise female tortoises weigh over 1200 grams at maturity while males weigh in the area of 500-600 grams.
Most noteworthy, Indian Star tortoises normally live for about 30-50 years. In comparison but the current record is 55 years in their natural habitat.
Where do they live? (Natural habitat) The Indian star tortoise is found in dry forests in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
Star tortoises are herbivores. Give plenty of fresh and dark leafy greens and grasses. Timothy hay, Bermuda grass, orchard grass, ryegrass, alfalfa, and fescue are all acceptable. Never feed your Indian star tortoise dog or cat food.
Predators of Indian Star Tortoises include birds, reptiles, and humans.
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