The golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) is a threatened subspecies of takin, native to the Qin Mountains in the south of China's Shaanxi province.
The takin has a long white colored shaggy coat with a dark stripe running along the back. According to reports, the male takin is usually larger weighing around 660 to 770 pounds while females weigh between 550 to 660 pounds. The takin stands at 63 to 87 inches in-head-and-body length.
Their thick wool keeps them warm in winter months. Takin are ruminants—plant-eating animals that chew their cud. They eat more than 100 kinds of plants, including bamboo, rhododendron, and horsetail.
Because of their large, powerful bodies and impressive horns, takins have few natural enemies other than bears, wolves, leopards, and dholes.
At birth, takin kids are much darker than adults to give them camouflage from predators; they even have a dark stripe along the back that disappears as they grow.
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