Chapter 17: Little Theo

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Author's Note:

Cast is updated!

Kaz's Point of View:

I was awake but I didn't dare open my eyes. If I could see that meant it was all real. Leaving the house, dropping Indy off, being stuck in a home full of strangers, it would all be true if I opened my eyes. But I didn't which meant that I was sleeping in my bed at home and Axel would be banging on the door any minute now for us to get up. 

After a minute or two of lying to myself, I decided to face reality. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I never understood how you can get a full night's sleep and still feel exhausted. Once my vision came to I started to look around, it was a dully lit room that even I could admit had the funky smell of teenage boy. I noticed that Levi was already out of bed, which made me wonder what time it was. With no clock in the room and my phone being dead I was left wondering until I decided I could brave the hell that lurked behind the door to the bedroom. Not just yet, I told myself. Instead I would fill my delusion some more and busy myself by unpacking.

I got halfway through what little things I had brought when I heard a knock on the door. I remained silent, maybe they would just go away if they thought I was still sleeping. Brian, if I can remember correctly, was the one who opened the door.

(Brian) - "Hey there bud, glad to see you're finally awake. Mrs. Ashley said she would be here soon. I know you're hungry so if you tell me what you want, I can go make it or go pick it up if you want some fast food while you shower and get ready." Like that was going to happen, this was a classic attempt of "bonding" or "building trust" and I was not about to fall for it. I noticed Decker yesterday in the car being short with Ashley, he must have been thinking the same thing.

"I'm good." Like I said he was not getting through to me that easily.

(Brian) - "Look kid, it's 1:30 pm and you haven't eaten since last night. I know you're hungry and I also know that you're eventually going to have to eat. Whether it be now or later I don't care but later you probably won't have a choice in what it is. With that being said you still need to get ready for the day, even if you are having a late start to it. Decker is downstairs if you want to talk to him. The rest of the boys are at school, besides Jude."

"I said I'm good." He gave a sigh and left. I know he's just trying to help but I didn't need help, especially not from him. Not needing help meant that I would have to find the bathroom on my own. I gathered some clothes and went looking down the hallway, luckily for me the bathroom door was open and I didn't have to go randomly opening doors. 

When I came downstairs after my shower Decker was in the living room talking to Keith and Brian. They had all seen me so it was too late to retreat upstairs so reluctantly I went and sat next to Decker.

(Keith) - "We were just talking about school, all that's left is for your previous school to transfer over the transcripts and you'll be all set. After Mrs. Ashley leaves we'll take you to go get your uniforms."

(Decker) - "No fucking way am I wearing a uniform."

(Keith) - "Unfortunately for you, it isn't really an option. I would also suggest for you to start watching your tone, and your vocabulary." 

(Decker) - "Fuck off." He could never just leave well enough alone.

(Keith) - "Go to your room. You can come out when you stop throwing this tantrum of yours and can act civil." Decker sat there; arms crossed daring Keith to do something about it.

I think Keith finally realized there was no reasoning with him so he got up grabbed Decker by the arm and forcefully moved him up the stairs. Which left me alone, again, with Brian.

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