chapter 3

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2 years later......
Diamonds POV
It's been two years since I've spoke to Marcus. When I first left I was living with my aunt but I after I had the baby she told me there wasn't enough room for them and us. So I left I found a a Lil house just big a enough for me and Rico. I work three jobs seven days a week just to make enough to barely afford anything life has been hard since I left but I'm making it.

Marcus POV
After diamond let I was heartbroken I felt empty so I was having sex with Jennifer just to get my mind off of diamond. Long story short Jennifer ended up getting pregnant at first I didn't like it but I came to terms with it and started really liking her. After she had the baby I got even deeper in the drug game because I have to make sure my seed don't want for nothing he Goin have everything I ain't have and so that's how it was.
"Hello" I say picking my phone up "hey Marcus. I was calling to invite you to my birthday party" diamonds mom said, we still kept in touch even after she left.
"Yes, ma'am I'll be there." I said laughing "you better and you better bring that handsome baby of yours" she says "will do ma" I say hanging the phone up.

Diamonds POV
So I just rode the bus from new Jersey just to see my mom. After I left we really didn't have a good relationship but I did miss her so I saved up my money for the past 7 months just to get a ticket for me and my boy I hope this weekend goes good.
I get of the bus and look around there is no sight of my mom. So I walk over to a pay phone to call her no response so I have no other choice but to sit here and wait for her at this bus station.
2 hours later
I've been calling and calling and she's still not picking up I'm about to leave I say to myself till all of a sudden I see her pulling up in a rolls Royse that I know Marcus must've bought her. "Hey baby sorry to keep you waiting. Now get that chilled in this car out of the cold.," she says "your acting like you didn't just have us sitting out there for two hours, he'll be good for two minutes" I say to her letting her know that I'm obviously irritated "cut it out diamond I'm still you mom and you will watch what you say to me" she says while turning her music up and speeding off.
Once I get home its like nothing had changed everything looked the same except some new furniture that still had the plastic on it my mom is so old school.i go up stairs to put Rico to sleep then go back down to talk to my mom.
"Diamond you know you Goin have to tell him about the baby right?" My mom says getting serious real fast "no I don't mom me and Rico are fine without him" I say not even tryna listen to her anymore. "Well you better tell him cause while you and his son down there barely surviving he here taking care of this new girl and they child" she says walking up stairs to her room. Man I didn't know Marcus had another kid. When did this happen? I say to myself

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