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I shrugged off the thoughts of Aydan and Reece as I walked out of the school. I spotted Blake leaning against the wall out front as he waited by the door. A big grin spread across his face when he noticed me walking towards him, causing me to smile as well.

"Hey," he greeted me, still smiling.

"Hi." I replied, and we fell into step together.

We walked off towards the Bibby's house which was about ten minutes from school. We rounded the corner into the residential streets; the cobblestone sidewalk felt lumpy beneath my worn-out Converse.

The weather was surprisingly nice today for England. It was late October, so it had been getting chilly, but right now the sun was beaming and the air felt crisp and clear.

We made small talk for a bit, talking about the nice weather and our classes before Blake changed the topic.

"So, what happened with Shayla?" He asked with slight hesitation.

I pursed my lips, not quite sure how to explain this to him. George and Reece were his best mates, so I didn't really know how he would feel about the situation either.

"Well," I started. "She told me she's seeing... someone.... and I know that someone else would be really upset if they knew she was seeing this someone.."

"Okay, Ren. I'm already lost." Blake interrupted with a chuckle. "Who is she seeing?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" he asked with a frown.

"She asked me not to," I half lied. She didn't necessarily tell me that, but I knew she wouldn't want Blake to know just yet.

I looked over to see him pouting dramatically, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, the point is," I spoke again. "All I did was voice my concerns about the potential mess she's making, and she flipped out at me for not being supportive.... but she didn't even give me the chance to be! I mean I do support her... I like the guy and yeah, they make a cute couple, but that doesn't change the fact that Reece would be upset."

I quickly froze and slapped my hand over my mouth after letting his name slip. Blake stopped walking and looked at me intently, now realising the situation likely affected him too.

"Okay Ren, you have to tell me who it is." He persisted.

"Absolutely not." I crossed my arms.

"But why? I won't tell anyone. You can trust me, you know..." Blake's gaze was locked on mine, his expression soft.

Where we stood, the sunlight was cast across his face, warming his brown eyes into caramel. I felt my cheeks turning red but told myself it was just the sun heating them as I forced my eyes away from his.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough," I brushed him off and continued walking now that we were almost at Shayla and Reece's house. "Come on," I motioned to him as he fell back into step beside me, letting the conversation die out.

I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. Blake was just a bit behind me in the driveway as he had to stop to re-tie his shoe. A moment later the door swung open and I was met with bright blue eyes and a smile.

"Ren, hi! Great to see you," George beamed at me.

"George..." I greeted hesitantly. His face drew into confusion and he looked over to Shayla who was sat on the couch looking awkward. George sighed.

"She knows, doesn't she?" He asked Shay as he turned back to look at me again. Just then, Blake's head popped into the doorframe right over my shoulder.

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