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I arrived at school about ten minutes before class. I noticed a few people looking at me as I entered the building. Weird, I thought, but shrugged it off. I was walking down the corridor to my locker when I saw Reece across the hall. He was leaning against the wall of lockers talking to Aydan who had her arms crossed. Her back was to me, blonde curls draping over her shoulders while she looked up at Reece. His eyes were focused on her, and his lips moved slowly in conversation. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach as I approached my locker.

Reece spotted me, his chin lifting up. I gave him a half smile before averting my eyes and opening my locker. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him dismissively touch Aydan's shoulder, mumbling something to her before walking over to me. I couldn't help but smirk to myself.

"Hey," he smiled as he stood beside me. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes and returning the smile. "How did it go? Did you talk to your dad?" I frowned, remembering the empty home.

"No," I sighed. "He wasn't there. The house was completely empty."

"What?" Reece's eyebrows pulled together. "Do you have any idea where-"

Reece was interrupted by a pair of arms suddenly flung across both of our shoulders. I jumped slightly, but smiled when I realised it was George. I turned to the blonde who looked ecstatic, and I spotted Blake behind him.

"How about them views then?!" George beamed, patting Reece and I simultaneously before taking a step back. I smiled at Shayla who had appeared next to us. Reece was grinning now, and Blake and him high-fived. "Up to 60k now, that's our most ever!"

"Thanks to Ren, surely," Shay joked. I rolled my eyes playfully, but the boys didn't even argue.

"Definitely," Blake agreed, giving me a smirk as our eyes met. The five of us were standing in a circle and chatting excitedly. Reece's hand subtly grazed my arm and I turned to him in surprise. He gave me a look as if to say 'we'll continue our talk after,' and I smiled. I brought my focus back to the group and was relieved to see everyone was too lost in conversation to notice.

"Seriously though, you killed it, Ren," George grinned at me. "Thank you again for joining us."

"We should do it again sometime," I nodded. "Do you think anyone from school's seen it?"

"Are you kidding?" Shay gaped at me. "Like four people have already come up to George and I this morning."

"Yeah, it's a bit weird," Blake added. "Everyone's been just looking at me." My mouth parted in realisation. That's why people were giving me weird looks this morning--they'd seen the cover.

"They're finally realising you're a stud, mate." George laughed. I glanced at Reece, who was being unusually quiet, and saw his eyes were already on me. He looked like he was about to say something when Aydan appeared next to him.

"Nice cover, boys," she said, very obviously addressing the guys and not me. I noticed Shay roll her eyes, and I mentally prepared myself for whatever this interaction would bring.

"But if you wanted a girl to join you, why didn't you ask me?" George and Blake exchanged a look before Shay answered for them.

"Maybe because you can't sing for shit?" She offered, earning a death glare from Aydan. I tried to suppress my laugh, succeeding better than Blake and George did. Reece bit his tongue.

"Ren was already there, and we wanted to film. It just made more sense." Reece dismissed. "You can join us next time, Ayd." I felt my chest ache just a little at his words. The group fell silent. George and Blake looked awkward, and Shay and I exchanged a look.

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