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fallout - catfish and the bottlemen

Finally, my third class ended and it was time for lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria to meet Blake, and sure enough he was waiting outside for me. He leaned against the wall, typing something on his phone.

I smirked and walked up to him. He looked up at me with a big grin when he noticed me coming. He really was cute...

"Hey!" He greeted, slipping his phone in his pocket and throwing his arm loosely over my shoulders. "How was class?"

"Couldn't tell you," I laughed. "Wasn't paying any attention."

"Something on your mind?"  I could tell him. I mean, why not? He's a good guy, we have gotten closer lately, and he obviously cares what's going on in my life.

"No, just boring," I dismissed. Of course I wouldn't tell him. Not even Shayla knew, and Reece wouldn't either had he not walked me home last night. I had a passing thought that it just as easily could have been Blake, but that wasn't really true. Blake didn't know my family, he wouldn't have questioned it if I told him it was nothing. He wouldn't have pushed if I asked him to leave.

It didn't matter that Reece and I weren't super close, we'd always have that familiarity of knowing each other for years, knowing each other's families and younger selves. And now that we knew some of the darker details of each other's lives, I realised I knew Reece a lot better than I thought I did. Weirdly, I was kind of glad to know him.

"I can relate," Blake nodded. "Mr. Clark talked about the history of rocks for forty-five minutes straight," he groaned.

"Doesn't Mr. Clark teach literature?" I asked, laughing.

"YES!" Blake exasperated. "He's meant to, at least." Both of us were giggling now. "Also, Ren." He started, "I've been meaning to ask..."

Blake paused, looking past me with his brows pulled together.

"Oh, that is not good," he said, his eyes widening. I tilted my head.

"Wha-" I started to ask, turning to see what he was looking at when I froze. Reece was walking towards us, his jaw set and eyes narrow. He looked furious. Panic surged through me. He stopped when he reached us, glaring at Blake expectantly. He didn't meet my eyes.

"Uh, hey Reece-" Blake started.

"So," Reece cut him off. "You two didn't care to tell me that George has been fucking my little sister?" He crossed his arms. My jaw dropped at his question. He asked it casually, but it was obviously anything but.

I glanced over at Blake who was wide-eyed with his lips parted.

"Well?" Reece probed, cocking his head to the side. His eyes met mine, and the soft sweet green I'd grown familiar with was now dark and firm. I looked back at him as he bored into me. The anger was blatant, but I could tell there was more. He was hurt. And he was right to be, we betrayed him.

"Mate, we wanted to." Blake spoke frantically. "They said they were going to tell you."

"Well, they didn't, did they?" He fired back. "No. Instead, I had to find them behind the staircase with his tongue down her throat." I grimaced. They were so fucking stupid...

"And if that wasn't bad enough," Reece continued. "Not only did I find out that my sister and my best mate were shagging, but also that I was the only one who didn't know about it!" His glare was sending daggers, and I felt my heart racing. I had never seen him this angry before, in fact, I'd never really seen him angry ever. Annoyed, irritated, yes. But not like this.

"Reece, they begged us not to say anything. Shay said they were gonna tell you right after Hallo-"

"Save it," he spat, cutting me off. "I honestly don't want to hear it." He started to walk away before he paused and gave me a look that made my heart sink to my stomach. He glanced between Blake and I, his jaw clenched.

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