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all my loving - the beatles

The next day at school was as boring as ever. I hadn't seen Blake yet but it was nearly lunch, so hopefully he'd be around soon. I stuffed my things into my locker and grabbed the apple I'd brought for lunch since mum hadn't done any shopping.

I closed my locker to reveal a boy standing behind it. I jumped, clutching my chest, but earned no reaction from the blonde.

"Reece, what the f-"

"Are you avoiding me?" He cut me off.

"Reece, you scared the hell out of me-"

"Answer the question." He interrupted again.

"No, I'm not avoiding you? What are you on about?"

"Something's up," Reece stated, crossing his arms. "I've barely seen anyone all day. George, Blake, Shay, you..." I internally panicked. It's only been one day and Reece is already catching on.

"Reece, I haven't seen you any less than normal today. No one's avoiding you, chill out." I felt bad dismissing him like that, knowing that he was probably right... but it wasn't like I could tell him what was actually going on.

"Maybe you're right." He frowned and looked at the floor. He seemed genuinely upset and I felt myself grow more guilty.

"You dropped your apple by the way." He pointed to the sad looking apple on the ground before walking off. I frowned and picked up the now very bruised apple before tossing it in the bin.

I made my way to the cafeteria, smiling when I spotted Blake, George, and Shay. The boys and Reece usually sat together while Shay and I sat elsewhere, but since Shay and George are together now, I guess we had merged tables. Which I didn't mind as I was growing interested in spending time with Blake.

"Renny-cakes!" Shay smiled, waving me over.

"Never call me that again," I laughed and sat down next to Blake.

"Hey, Renny-cakes," he greeted playfully, and I rolled my eyes at him to cover my smile.

"Blakey-pie." I returned the greeting, receiving a glare from him.

"Okay deal, never again." We both laughed and I was surprised to feel his arm drape loosely over my shoulders. I smiled to myself.

"No lunch, Renny?" Shay asked me, eyeing the blank space on the table in front of me.

"Forgot to pack one." I lied.

"You can have some of my chips if you like." Blake offered, pushing his tray closer to me. I thanked him but only took a couple chips.

"Hey, where's Reece?" George noticed the missing member.

"Probably with his whore," Shayla rolled her eyes. This bothered me for some reason, not because she called Aydan a whore--'cause she was--but because she dismissed Reece's absence so easily while I knew that he was upset.

"He thinks we're avoiding him." I informed them.

"What, why?" George asked.

"Probably because we are..." Blake frowned. "I don't know how to act around him, I can't pretend everything is normal when I know that you two are... ya know..." He looked at George and Shay.

"Actually, George, we should probably go..." Shay looked around. "In case he comes in... we don't want to look suspicious." George nodded and the two headed off, leaving Blake and I alone at the table.

"And then there were two," he smiled and put his arm around me again. I was lost in conversation with Blake, the two of us smiling and laughing.

He had leaned in to whisper something random in my ear, when I locked eyes with Reece from across the room. My smile fell, and I was unable to read the expression on his face when he swiftly turned on his heels and left the room. What was that about?

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