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Reece had brought me to the music rooms, both of us decidedly binning off class. My heart skipped a beat when he opened the door for me, ushering me inside. I thought about how I'd heard him singing in here just over an hour ago.

We sat cross-legged on the floor, facing each other. I noticed we both hunched over so our heads were closer together. My hands rested in my lap; I was spinning the rings on my fingers absentmindedly.

Now that all the intense emotions of everything that went down this morning were out of the way, Reece and I were able to just talk.

There was definitely still some tension between us; I could tell he wasn't over what happened yet, but I couldn't blame him. I was just glad he was speaking to me again, and I knew he cared. The way he'd told off Aydan confirmed that. The thought made me smirk to myself.

I wanted to ask him about it, why it was okay for her to hit him but hitting me crossed the line, but I knew better than to bring that up right now. We sat in silence for a bit, I studied my hands. My rings were loose, twirling with ease.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Reece asked softly, he glanced at my cheek with a frown.

"I'm fine, I promise. It doesn't hurt much," I shrugged it off. "And if the mark looks worse tomorrow, it'll match my halloween costume," I chuckled.

"That's one way of looking at it," he laughed lightly.

"You still gonna go with us?" I asked. Reece sighed rather heavily.

"I don't know... I'm still really pissed at them."

"You were pissed at me too just a minute ago," I teased.

"You're different," he stated quickly, like it was simple. I furrowed my brows.


He looked up at me, his eyes finding mine and settling on them. He was quiet for a moment before merely shrugging and looking down. My mind was reeling, but I tuned it out.

"You just need to talk to them," I advised, letting go of what he'd just said. "You know they all love you, they're going out of their minds knowing how upset you are."

"Well, that could have been avoided, couldn't it?" he bit.

"We screwed up, Reece. There's no denying that, but George and Blake are your best mates. Are you really gonna let this come between your friendship? and the band?"

"No.." he pouted.

"So... talk, to, them," I hit his leg playfully between the words, earning a half-smile from him. "Just hear them out."

"I will, I just need to be grumpy a little bit longer," he said.

"Say you'll still do Halloween with us," I demanded.

"Fineee," he rolled his eyes.

"Yes!!" I clapped my hands together which he returned with a lighthearted glare.

"It's not so bad, you know," I started again. "At least you know, George. He's like the nicest guy ever, definitely not someone you'd hate for your sister to be with."

"Yeah, but it's still gross to think about them shagging," Reece groaned.

"To be fair, I don't think they've had,, yet. Shay would have told me." Reece gave me a look of disgust. "I uh.. not that that matters," I added quickly, biting my tongue.

He shook his head. There was a trace of a smile on his face while his nose was still scrunched up.

"But yeah," I continued, "it might just take some getting used to. I found it a bit weird at first too, but honestly they make a pretty good couple."

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