Letters (Ibusaki Shun x Reader)

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You spent countless nights trying to perfect this one love letter you were going to give to your classmate. It was a stupid idea, who still uses letters these days? (Answer: everyone) you can just tell whoever you're crushing on through text because technology is all there is nowadays. Anyway, we're going off topic. Well, you thought, falling for that smoke freak is not the best idea. He seems so heartless and emotionless, you doubt he would be able to return your feelings. But why not give it a try?

So you were sitting at your desk late at night staring at the perfectly folded letter. "Yup, this should be fine!" You said cheerfully to yourself and gently placed the small letter into your pocket, trying not to crumble the edges.

The next day you were walking to your class when you spotted the aburn haired male. You jogged up to him and patted his shoulder.

"Uh... I-Ibusaki-kun, p-please read this when no one's around," you blurted out and bowed politely as you held the love letter in front of you. Right after he took the letter you dashed away to somewhere so you could hide your blush. You saw him stuffing the letter into his pants pocket carefully so he wouldn't crumble the letter and continued walking to class.


Ibusaki was sitting down on a couch eating the smoked cheese he smoked a few days ago. It was near midnight and everyone was still awake either chatting to each other or playing poker with marbles. Not before long, everyone went back to their rooms. It was only you and Ibusaki. "Uh... Have you um read the letter yet?" You asked curiously yet nervously.

"I'll read it. Its getting late we should go to sleep, we still have school tomorrow," he replied, obviously avoiding the topic. You nodded and whispered a 'goodnight' before you walked back to your room.

Meanwhile, Ibusaki pulled out the small (colour) letter from his pocket and gently unsealed the glue with his finger. Carefully, ripping open the letter, he pulled out the neatly folded piece of paper.

His heart skipped a beat as he noticed that this was a love letter, well at least he assumed it was since it fitted all the categories of being one. He slowly unfolded the piece of paper and began to read the contents of it. His eyes widened after he finished reading not once but twice, getting the information into his head.

He needed to reply to you as soon as possible, he thought.


You waited impatiently during class as you remembered, early that morning you ran into Ibusaki and he told you to meet him under the cherry blossom tree after school. He didn't tell you why, but you already knew the reason. The clock is ticking unusually slow today. You thought as you glanced over at the clock on the wall every few seconds. After painfully waiting the whole day and daydreaming, school finally ended. You grabbed all your cooking tools and headed towards the cherry blossom tree. When you got there you saw Ibusaki patiently waiting under the tree. Your heart started to beat twice as fast. "(L/N)-san..." He greeted. You stood there holding your knees, still recovering from running straight from school to the tree. "Well I... I was thinking of your letter you gave me yesterday... And I..."

Yup, you knew it - He would turn into different shades of red and look away as he uttered a tight 'I love you,' and the two of you would kiss right under the cherry blossom tree, just like every shoujo manga. That's what you though, well, until he said.

"... I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings,"

Realisation hit you as your the edges of your smile dipped down to a frown, you bit the insides of your lips. Your eyes got teary and your heart beated faster, pounding your rib cages, this time out of hurt and rejection. He reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out an opened letter, handing it back to you. His facial expression remained unchanged and his beautiful heaven-like eyes peirced through your heart just like an arrow. His arm outstretched as he waited for you to take back the letter.

Shaking hands gripped the letter tightly causing it to crumble a little. You tried to hide what you were feeling inside, all the pain and just laughed it off like nothing happened.

"Haha, maybe it's still too early for me to know 'love', I'm sorry to have disturbed you Ibusaki-san," you laughed bitterly, scratching the back of your head. He nodded at you and left. No goodbyes or apologies. But it was alright; it wasn't his fault. It was only right that he didn't apologise.

You walked over to a nearby bin and chucked the letter in the bin, despite the fact that you spent days and nights perfecting it. Tears started uncontrollably flow down your cheeks. Your cries were silent. No one heard you and no one will know other than the fact that tears continuously dripped onto the ground. You shouldn't have confessed to him, if you didn't, that wouldnt have happened and maybe the two of you would've been good friends. But there was no going back now, regret filled your eyes as you sadly walked back to your dorm, ignoring everyone who asked if you were alright.

By the end of the day, even after being rejected, you still loved him, and that was a fact that remained true until the day you fall for someone else, which has yet to come. But for now you decided to suppress all your feelings for Ibusaki and continued living on like that event never happened.


YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A HAPPY ENDING DIDN'T YOU? This also took way, way longer than I expected. Ah, can't stop writing angst. SOMEONE PLEASE DRAG ME OUT OF THIS ANGST HELL! ;-; anyway hope you enjoyed, feel free to comment and criticize my writing.

Well then, hope you have a great day ^^


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