Height (Terunori Kuga x Reader)

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A/N reader here is taller than Kuga. Y'know just telling you guys beforehand.

Normally you would expect your boyfriend to be taller than you or at least the same height. But you and Kuga were different. You were at least ten centimeters taller than Kuga or even more and you took that as an advantage to tease him about his height whenever he isn't tall enough for something.

One day, Kuga was cooking lunch for both of you. He tried to reach for the sugar, but couldn't. After a few attempts he finally gave in and nervously asked you to help knowing that you would tease him.

"Is my little Kuga-chan too short?" You said with a smirk on your face.

"Shut up and help me if you want food!" He replied sounding annoyed.

"Okay, okay~" you sigh and reached up for the sugar but held it up high so he couldn't get it.

"Oi! (Y/n)! What are you doing?"

"Kiss first~" you cooed. Kuga let out a small growl then hesitantly kissed your cheek. "Aww that wasn't enough,"

"Give me the sugar,"


Kuga sighed and gently pressed his lips onto yours. You smiled and kissed him back. You broke apart after a few seconds. "That's more like it,"

"Ok, now give me the sugar,"

"Haha nope!" You laughed and ran away with the sugar.


Ok here's a short happy one after the depressing Isshiki one. I just noticed, this was the first legit kiss scene I've ever written. Well congratulations to me *sighs*. Ok um sequel to Isshiki one is next, so uh hope you're looking forward to it XD. Also feel free to PM me because I'm bored as hell, just send me anything I don't care.


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