What if (Kurokiba Ryou x Reader) (Soulmate AU)

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Where first word(s) your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your wrist.

You were born with those words imprinted on your wrist. Those were the first words your soulmate say to you the second they meet you. Or at least that's what your parents used to tell you.

"Damn, I'm late..." You groaned as you ran to school with your breakfast still in your mouth. You ran so fast that you didn't notice someone heading towards your way, and you bumped into them.

"Shorty," You heard a voice say to you. You looked up and saw a boy with pale skin and strands of silky black hair falling down his face. He stared at you with his crimson red eyes, he looked bored and he had bags around his eyes.

"You're pretty," You murmured, suddenly you noticed what you just said. You looked at your watch. "No, no, no, sensei is going to kill me," You muttered as you took off running to your class.

"Weird," The boy said as he lifted up his sleeve. It revealed the two words you just said to him.

You sprinted through the corridors of the giant school and finally got to your class. "Sorry I'm late! I overslept" You cried as you entered your class. You blushed in embarrassment as your whole class turned their attention towards you. "(l/n)-san, you are late! Now go to your stand, and please don't make this a habit. And here's another late student what is your reason?" You turned around and saw the boy you bumped into before.

"I do not have an excuse sensei," He said lazily. Your sensei sighed and just flicked his/her hand at you two gesturing you to go away. The black haired boy shoved his hand in his pockets and walked over to a girl with short silver hair.

After class you made sure that no one was watching before you rolled up your sleeve and revealed one word.



The next day you saw the same boy as yesterday walking to class. You ran up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey what's your name?" You asked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm called (l/n) (f/n). Sorry for bumping into you yesterday," You said as you reached your hand out expecting a handshake.

"Kurokiba," He looked at your hand for a moment before taking his hand out of his pocket and gently shaked your index finger.

"Jerk..." You muttered. Kurokiba just glared at you.

"Ryou! That is not how you treat a girl, sorry for Ryou. I am Nakiri Alice, and who might you be?" Alice asked with a smile.

"I'm (l/n) (f/n) nice to meet you," You said smiling back at her. You then walked with Alice and Kurokiba to your class.


"What?" You rolled up your sleeve and revealed the word Kurokiba said to you when you first met. Alice let out a little gasp and then started to smirk at Kurokiba in a creepy way. He just grunted in annoyance. You were confused at Alice's reaction. Then she leaned towards your ear and whispered something to you.

"Congratulations," She said.


Kurokiba continued to insult you like before, but little did he know how much he cared about you. Whenever he catches you staring at Hayama with that look on your face, he feels his blood boil.

"(L/n)," His tone bored as always, "Do you like him?"

"It's none of your business," You turned back to what you were doing before and completely ignored Kurokiba. He started falling for you, He didn't even know why or how did he fall for a puny little girl like you. He knew you liked someone else, but he couldn't stop his selfish mind from getting jealous. Soulmates are supposed to be together he told himself so why are we not?

"Hey, you're staring again." He said

"I don't even like Hayama!"

"Calm woman, I didn't even say who," He immediately regretted what he just said, saying that made his already broken heart hurt more. Stop it... Stop making me believe that I still have a chance he thought.


Fate was cruel. It was either sooner or later before reality came back to haunt him.

"Listen, the reason why I called you here is because I need to tell you something,"

"What is it?"

"I don't know why fate had to make us soulmates but I'm sorry I can't love you."

"I know," He replied emotionlessly, but in reality it felt like squeezing lemon juice on a deep cut. The words you said to him stung his heart. "Is that all you needed to say?"

"Yes," He walked away, it was for his own good and yours too.


You stared at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the beautiful, long, snow white dress you were wearing. You turned your head left and right trying to see if you were symmetrical. You heard a loud knock on your door and it opened, revealing Alice.

"Ready to go?" Alice asked. You nodded.

"Where is Kurokiba today?"

"He's already there,"


You walked down the aisle, arm in arm with Kurokiba. "I wonder what would have happened if you chose me..." He whispered.

"Never dreamed of it," You replied in a soft tone. Before he gave you to Hayama, who was waiting for his bride. You.

Kurokiba reached for his pocket and brought out a glass ring with the word Shorty engraved on it. He clutched it tightly in his hand, before dropping it onto the ground, where it smashed into millions of tiny pieces.


*sighs* Yesterday I said I won't update today and here I am writing this retarded angst one. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it (an I hope I made some of you guys sad, cause I'm a sadist MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA) ok sorry. Yes this one was longer than usual and I am sorry I made (y/n) a.k.a. you seem like a little female dog. I AM VERY SORRY PLEASE DON'T RAGE AT ME. Anyway hope you enjoyed this, so yeah.


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