The Letter

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Dear Luke,
That's a stupid way to start a letter.
I suck at saying how I feel and I am shit when it comes to emotions and talking altogether.
But you like to talk. I know that. Sometimes when we sit on your couch I intentionally am silent so you'll start the conversation. I love hearing you try to start up the chat and you're all nervous when you do. It's charming though.
That's the crazy thing. You're so charming and you don't even know it. You don't try to be charming. It just happens. Your awkwardness and your shyness are so cute and I can't help but smile when you get all nervous and shy.
Speaking of cute things...I think you're cute.
Not just your looks but everything about you is cute. Your laugh, your lame jokes, the way you blush when you lean in to kiss my cheek.
I suppose I like a lot of things about you.
But my favorite thing about you is your arms. That's weird, I know. But you're really fit. Like, for real. But that's not why I like them. I like them because whenever you hold me in your arms I can lay my head on your chest and hear your heartbeat and feel your warmth. And usually when you hold me there's just silence. I like the silence. The silence makes me feel like I'm closer to you. Like you somehow know me. Really know me I mean. I don't fully get it myself to be honest.
Hey, remember that time we had a food fight? You tried making cupcakes and you accidentally flung the batter on me so I put icing in your hair. Your mom was so pissed and made us clean everything up ourselves. That was so much fun. It's one of my favorite memories now. You seemed so relaxed and you seemed to be having fun. It was the very first time I had seen you for you. You aren't just the blonde haired boy that I was partners with. You weren't the drunk boy I kissed on the beach. You weren't the boy I walked all over. You were just Luke. Luke, the boy with the big smile and pretty eyes and great personality.
And that's when I knew I had to keep ahold of you. I knew you were special.
Another one of my favorite memories with you is when we went to that cute little diner outside of Sydney. We are just driving around and we had no clue where the hell we were. That was a fun day. I told you to lighten up and to let go. Be adventurous. So you did let go. And we got lost. So we stopped at that little diner to ask for directions and we ended up sitting there for hours just talking. I remember how you said you'd never gotten a love letter. You never even had a girlfriend! I was surprised. I mean, how could somebody not see all the good in you.
That confused me. You were perfect. You are the image of perfection. Good looking, great personality, tall, blonde, blue eyed, and smart. You're the total package!
But I guess people were too quick to judge. I was one of those people.
I thought you were lame and were going to ruin my popularity. Man was I wrong. You aren't lame. You're so cool. So fun. So awesome. Being with you made me feel so free. With you I wasn't pretending to be somebody I wasn't. I was just me. And you were just you.
Now here we are.
We don't talk. That's mostly my fault. I was too scared to really admit how I felt.
The truth?
I was angry. I was hurt. I was jealous. Aubree got you and I lost you. And that killed me. I was destroyed standing there watching you kiss her.
I just thought it should be me.
But when you chased me down I couldn't bring myself to fess up. I just couldn't do it. I wanted to see you happy. Even if that meant I was dying on the inside.
It's crazy how hard you can fall for someone it such a short time.
But I fell hard.
I fell in love.

Luke's P.O.V.
I read the last line.
'I fell in love with Luke Hemmings.'

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