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Michael's P.O.V.
5 Years Ago
This isn't how I wanted to die. Not this way. Not right here. Not right now. I'm 16! I can't die yet! What about mom? My mom will cry. She'll blame herself. But it's not her fault.
I'm 16 years old.
I graduate in three years.
I had plans.
Plans that were destroyed by one puff that turned into constant snorting and injecting.
I did this to myself.
I'm 16.
I was 16.
Now I'm cold and blue and glassy eyed.
I'm dead.
The only thing worse than dying is seeing your own dead body lying on the cold blue tiles in a bathroom stall.
I'll wake up.
It's all a dream.
The bathroom door creaks open. I can hear hurried footsteps. Someone is forcing open the stall door. I turn away from my body.
"Call an ambulance!" The teacher screams.
"No, I'm fine. I'm alive." I say.
Nobody can hear me.

They took my body away. They called my friends and my mom.
My mom.
She's crying.
She's dying on the inside.
Her little baby boy is dead. The baby boy with natural brown locks and piercing green eyes and toothy grin has been replaced by this thing with matted black hair and glazed eyes and blue lips.
This thing took her baby boy.
I was her baby boy. I wanted to scream.
"Mom! Please hear me! I'm still here! Mom! Mom! Please! Mom!"
It was useless. Nobody could hear me.
Nobody could hear me.
I'm dead.
I just roam now.
But one day that changed.
I wanted to be seen. So I was.
People saw me.
But only if I wanted them to.
I saw the tall blonde boy and immediately felt attracted to him.
It was like some kind of force saying I needed to stick with this kid.
I couldn't do friends.
So I did enemies.
I felt deep inside that something was going to happen. Something I needed to save him from.

Things are starting to get fuzzy. Is this it? Am I done here? I saved Luke and Annie. That was my purpose. I saved lives that needed to be saved. They got another chance even though I didn't.
That's how it is supposed to be.
I'm sitting on the end of my mother's bed. She gave life a second chance. With my help of course. I'm the one who left those signs of adoption all around. She gave in. She gave her a second chance.
It's funny how everything works out. My mom was attracted to this little girl just as I was attracted to this blonde boy.
Who would've guessed it was meant to be.
My mom gave Annie her second chance.
I gave Luke his.
"Goodbye, Luke."
"B-bye, Michael."

A/N: Michael is Alicia's dead son. Wow.
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