❄️ Introduction ❄️

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For the first time in my life, I feel so excited. Even when I'm in front of the camera, posing as instructed, I've never felt as nervous or self-conscious as I do now, sitting across from the makeup artist who is carefully applying color to my face.

The previous artist had fallen ill, so she was replaced by this new one, who leans in close to apply eyeliner with intense focus. Our faces are almost touching, as she concentrates on her work and looks directly into my eyes.

My heart pounds so loudly I fear she might hear it.

The proximity, the faint perfume from her slightly unbuttoned white shirt revealing just a glimpse of her smooth, pale skin, has me struggling to maintain my composure. My palms are damp with sweat.

What is this feeling?

"You have such beautiful eyes,"

She says softly, smiling as she steps back to check the symmetry of her work. I continue to stare at her, knowing that if I look away, it might make her task harder.

"Thank you,"

I reply shortly, not knowing what else to say.

When someone compliments me, I usually don't react at all because it might seem like I'm being modest. But with her, it's different. It's a warm, fluttering feeling in my stomach—something I've never felt before.

"You must hear that a lot."

She laughs, leaning in again.

"Your face is so well-proportioned. It's easy applying makeup on you."

"If I downplayed it, I'd probably come off as insincere," I joke awkwardly.

"Cute," she replies with a teasing grin.

Thump! Thump!

The sweet-faced girl in front of me, as beautiful as any I've ever seen, makes my heart beat even faster as she smiles so widely that her face wrinkles. Then, something unexpected happens, she reaches out and playfully pinches my cheek with teasing seriousness, leaving me as stunned as she is. Her eyes widen with surprise at her own action.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... my hand moved on its own. Did it hurt?"

"No, it didn’t,"

I assure her quickly, not wanting her to feel bad. The sensation of her touch lingering like an electric current through my body, inexplicably making my heart race even faster.

"I'm just glad you like me."

"You even reacted as a 'little sister,' how adorable! I wish I could take you home with me."

"... "

"What am I even saying?"

She laughed slightly, shakes her head and begins packing up her makeup kit.

"Anyway, I’m done."

"Ah. okay."

For the first time, I regret that the session is over so quickly. Usually, I would be irritated and can’t wait to wipe the makeup off, but today is different. I wanted more time with her—to be closer, to inhale that intoxicating scent coming from her. Unable to resist, I blurt out the question that’s been on my mind.

"What perfume are you wearing? It smells so good."

 "Hm?" She raises an eyebrow slightly. 


"Yes, it's lovely. The soft scent coming from you made me curious about it this whole time, I want to buy it too."

"It's called Obsessed. a clear bottle. I just bought it recently. It seems to be good if people are raving about it—maybe I should use it more often."

"It suits you perfectly. Seductive, passionate..." I murmur, almost lost in the daze of how it makes me feel.

She looks momentarily taken aback, then laughs awkwardly. 

"I don’t know how to respond to that."

".... "

"Well," she continues, smiling playfully, "with compliments like that, I guess I'll be wearing it every day from now on."

Before I could say anything else, the photographer’s assistant appears, calling me back to the set. The makeup artist finishes packing, ready to leave. A sudden urgency rises in me—I don’t want her to go, not without some way to see her again.

"Shall we meet again?"

She looked surprised for a moment, then gave me a gentle smile. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but she answered gently, not vaguely, but sincerely.

"If fate is real, we will meet again."


"I used the wrong word," she quickly corrected herself with a laugh. 

"Fate doesn't quite fit in this context, does it? So. if the attraction is real, it will

bring us together again."

 "Attraction?" I echoed.

"If you want to see me and I want to see you, the universe will find a way to bring us together again."


"And I hope so, because that would mean we would be attracted to each other."

After she said that, she turned to leave, looking at me with a smile—so full of charm that it made my heart melt. Without thinking, I follow her, ignoring the assistant’s calls. I catch up to her and gently grab her wrist.

I held her without knowing why, and when she turned to meet my gaze, I suddenly found myself speechless.


"Both sides have to want to see each other, for the attraction to work, right?" 

I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes. If we meet again, it’ll be because something good brought us together." 

She replied with a soft smile before turning to leave.

We didn’t exchange phone numbers or ask for each other's Line contacts. I let her walk away, watching as she disappears from view. When I return to the set, I can’t shake the sense of unfinished business, the ache of something left unsaid.

I want to see her again...

If the attraction is real, I hope the universe will bring us together once more.


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