❄️05 : Step Back❄️

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When I heard her words, I froze, unable to do anything. I just buried my face in the crook of her neck, too afraid to move.

"But if we stop now and go eat, we can still see each other often."

"Why are you treating me like this?" 

I complained, feeling hurt.

 "On the first day, you kissed me."

"That day, I couldn't resist." 

"But today..."

"That day was that day, and today is today."

I pulled away from her neck to look at her face. As much as I wanted to, I wasn’t sure I could bear the idea of not seeing her again.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's okay," she said, turning to smile at me and raising an eyebrow.

 "I'm hungry now, let's eat."

She jumped up and walked toward the door, while I remained frozen on the bed, too embarrassed to move. I knew exactly what I had just done.

"You can’t even look at me."

"I understand. Just relax," she said, pulling me back onto the bed and ruffling my hair affectionately. 

"I can’t help it if I’m irresistible."

"How dare you say that."

She laughed and pulled me to my feet. 

"Let’s eat. The atmosphere between an older sister and a younger one should be cute and playful, not you invading my bed like that."

Hearing this, I started to feel irritated. She seemed to be emphasizing that this was the only kind of relationship we could have, as if mocking me for rejecting her earlier. I got up and followed her downstairs for the meal. She began eating the food I had brought, not caring much if it was tasty, just eager to fill her stomach.

"And you? You haven’t eaten yet, right?" she asked. 

"It’s fine. Watching you eat is enough for me."

"No way," she said, interrupting as she held out a spoonful of food to me. 

"Open your mouth. I'll feed you."

I stared at the spoon, letting my thoughts wander. Sharing the same spoon— didn't that count as an indirect kiss? But before I could overthink it, I opened my mouth and took the food, chewing quietly, my head down, feeling embarrassed.

"Don’t be so shy. The more awkward you feel, the worse it gets between us. Just relax," she said, continuing to eat.

I swallowed the food and spoke like a child, unsure of everything. 

"How can you act so normal? Just now, we were in bed, I did… that, but you act like nothing happened."

"Because it wasn’t anything wrong or unusual. If I acted embarrassed too, it would only make things worse. It's better to let bygones be bygones."

"You’re amazing."

"I’ve been through a lot." 

"What have you been through?"

She smiled faintly and narrowed her eyes, as if lost in thought. 

"Keep getting to know me, and eventually, you’ll find out. When you do, you might want to run away."

As we talked in that peaceful moment, her phone rang, cutting through the atmosphere. She hesitated for a moment before answering, then smiled sweetly, as if the person on the other end could see her.

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