Chapter 10- New Discovery

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As Bella carefully examined the major’s body, Private Thompson’s cousin leaned in closer, his brow furrowing in confusion. “Uh, Bella? Is it just me, or does it look like there’s something in his stomach?”

Bella turned her attention to the area he pointed out. The skin was slightly distended, and she could see a noticeable bulge. “Good eye,” she said, moving closer. “Let’s see what we can find.”

She donned her gloves and, with meticulous precision, made a clean incision along the abdomen. The sharp sound of the scalpel slicing through flesh echoed in the sterile environment of the morgue. Carefully, she peeled back the layers of skin and muscle, her heart racing as she revealed the contents within.

As she worked, she felt something solid and foreign beneath the organs. With a gentle tug, she extracted a small, metallic object. Holding it up to the light, she could see it was a chip—one that looked like it had been implanted deliberately.

“What is that?” Private Thompson’s cousin asked, peering over her shoulder.

“It looks like a tracking device,” Bella replied, her mind racing. “This could explain why the major was targeted. If someone knew where he was at all times, it makes it much easier to plan an ambush.”

She placed the chip carefully on the sterile tray beside her and took a deep breath. “This is big,” she said, feeling the adrenaline surge through her veins. “If this was placed inside him, it could lead us to whoever was responsible for his death. We need to get this to Lucas and the military ASAP.”

Just as she was about to grab her phone, the door to the morgue opened again, and Lucas stepped back inside. His expression shifted from concern to curiosity as he saw Bella’s focused demeanor.

“Bella, what did you find?” he asked, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of the bloody tray.

“I just discovered something that could change everything,” she replied, holding up the chip. “It’s a tracking device, and it was inside the major’s stomach. This means someone was watching him closely.”

Lucas’s face hardened as he processed the information. “If that’s the case, we need to alert military intelligence immediately. This could lead us directly to the people behind this.”

Bella nodded, her heart racing at the thought of uncovering the conspiracy. “I’ll prepare a report and ensure it’s sent through the proper channels.”

Private Thompson’s cousin watched the exchange, his expression a mix of disbelief and concern. “What does this mean for my cousin?” he asked hesitantly.

“It means we’re one step closer to finding out what happened,” Bella assured him. “But it’s going to take time and a lot of hard work. We’ll do everything we can to ensure he gets justice.”

As Lucas moved to make the necessary calls, Bella turned back to the body, her mind already racing ahead. She knew that this was just the beginning of a complex investigation, but with each piece of evidence, they were inching closer to the truth.

As Bella meticulously cleaned the small chip, her heart raced with anticipation. This was a pivotal moment in the investigation. She held it under the bright overhead lights, ensuring no detail went unnoticed. With a careful touch, she began running a series of checks, hoping to extract any useful information.

To her astonishment, she discovered a faint thumbprint on the surface of the chip. “Yes!” she whispered under her breath, excitement bubbling within her.

Just as she began scanning the print through the forensic database, the door swung open, and Lucas, followed by Leo and the CO, stepped into the morgue. Their serious expressions shifted to curiosity as they approached Bella, who was focused intently on her screen.

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