Chapter 16 - Preparation

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⟡ POV Wooyoung ⟡

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POV Wooyoung

I stood in my kitchen, lost in thoughts, washing the dishes. Without noticing, I held the wet, washed plate in my hand over my feet, actually wanted to put it away. The wetness on my feet, the cold of the water seeped through my thin slippers. I took a few steps back, muttered to myself in annoyance.

"Damn," I said quietly, I put the plate aside on the draining mat. I dried my hands, leaned my back against the kitchen counter, and massaged my forehead.

Why did I do that? Why did I listen to Yeosang?

After the successful and satisfying photo shoot with San, I had a few more individual appointments over the next few days. My small and yet noticeable victory over the redhaired man had kept me in a good mood and healed my broken self-confidence. I hadn't seen San for two days now, I had taken care of my work and hadn't given him a single thought. Or rather I tried to, because for some reason he kept popping into my head, my thoughts always wandered to him and wouldn't let go. I have no idea why. Our relationship was as tense as ever.

That might have been the reason why Yeosang suggested inviting him and Jongho to my housewarming party. Actually, everything in me was against it, I would never have thought of letting him into my four walls, into my privacy, but my cousin was persistent and brought up many good reasons to invite him. For some reason he was too stubborn, it seemed too important to him. I didn't know why.

Finally I gave in. I gave in, with a heavy heart I invited them and wrote him a message.

I did Yeosang a favor and perhaps also wanted to pursue my curiosity about seeing him again.

My apartment was finished and now looked a little more like me. I had spent the last few days decorating and cleaning. Everything was neat, didn't look like it did at the beginning when I arrived.

I felt comfortable, this apartment gave me a bit of security, it now represented a place of refuge for me, I was satisfied.

My little party would take place tonight. I invited San, Jongho, Hongjoong, a few people from the team and of course Yeosang. I also wrote a message to Tessa saying that I would be happy if she would come, but unfortunately she had other plans for this night, but sent Katy as her replacement. I was still happy and grateful for every guest. I liked Tessa, she was great and Katy seemed very friendly too.

Tonight would also be the first time I would really get to know San's stylist, as Hongjoong had suggested bringing him along. I had only briefly saw his black hair and heard his friendly, warm voice while talking to Yeosang at the door.

I was excited, looking forward to not just fleeting conversations but also to a comfortable and fun time together, to really getting to know everyone. I organized drinks, food, some decorations, Yeosang would come by later to help me and would bring some alcohol with him. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate with the people from work, but my cousin just said that everyone would be much more relaxed then.

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