Chapter 82: Darkseid War VI

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[3rd POV] [The next day]

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Wally asked, as the team was cloaked while standing atop of a roof in Metropolis.

"Yep. I've set up the Zeta-tubes in the basement, and they're all online. Once the League gives the signal, the Spider Legion will begin it's mission, which is one thing and one thing only: Wipe out all alien invaders" Gwen responded.

The League didn't know of the legion, as she didn't speak of it to them. Instead, they decided on attacking as soon as possible, now that Gwen was there to help out. The League was spread out across the planet, with the powered members working with the ones without powers. Wonder Woman and Batman. Superman and Green Arrow, and various others teamed up, prepared to get rid of the Parademons in their individual cities.

What they didn't know, was that a large "Spider Legion" was going to be slaughtering the other Parademons across the planet, finding the location of the Elites, and gathering Apokoliptan technology for Gwen, so that she could absorb it. With two very specific pieces of technologies being her main targets, ones that she needed for the backup plans. Thankfully, she knew that the elites would have them on them, and probably even some parademons.

"And how do you know the League won't attack them?" Artemis asked on the side, causing Gwen to shrug.

"The symbol on their chests should be enough...I hope" Gwen responded, causing them to nod, seeing her point. As the symbol alone was kind of obvious as to who created it, it was up to the League members to realize that.

"And if they aren't? You know Captain Atom doesn't like you, I wouldn't be surprised if he attacks the Legion even when knowing what they are" Raven asked, causing Gwen to smirk.

"Trust me, they can handle him" Gwen responded, before Dick spoke.

"It's time! The League just sent the alert, it's time for the counterattack" Dick said, causing Gwen to grin.

"Alright then, you guys know what to do, right?"

"Yep! We deal with the small fries in Metropolis, while your legion spreads out and finds the elites of this army, then you'll join them and wipe them out. We know that we can't do much against them, so we'll leave it to you" Wally said, nodding. The entire team knew that a single Elite of Darkseid's army was too much for them, and they weren't about to risk getting captured and turned into a hostage.

"Good! Let the counterattack...begin" Gwen said, as she pulled out a small device, and pressed a singular button on it, and grinned widely as she felt the Spider Legion teleport off, ready to take back Earth from those that dared attack it.



"For the Glory of Darkseid!" A female's voice boomed as she crushed the skull of a Italian soldier that dared fight back. A large whip was in her left hand as it sliced through the nearest tank, causing it to explode. This, was Lashina, a member of the Furies, a powerful team of enforcers who worked for Granny Goodness, one of Darkseid's closest followers.

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