Part one

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Your boyfriend Luke has been on tour for a few weeks and it would be at least two months until he would be home again.

You were in the kitchen making yourself some breakfast, thinking back to Luke's first day back from the last tour. He had gotten home late the night before but you two took no time making up for the lost time. The next morning you woke up and put on one of Luke's flannels and decided to go cook you and Luke a nice breakfast. While you were getting the ingredients you needed out, Luke came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck (most likely leaving another love bite).

"Good morning my love." He said as he spun you around and pulled you as close as he could to him. You got up on your tiptoes and stretched up your neck to kiss him. He bent down to meet you halfway as he put his hand on your neck. You moved your hand up to his hair, tangling it in it as you pushed him closer to you, deepening the kiss. He then picked you up and carried you back to the bedroom.

You jumped as you heard your doorbell ring, pulling you back into reality. "Open up the fucking door!" You heard Tiffany yelling as you were walking up to the door. You opened it and she walked in as usual.

"What's that smell?" She said as we got closer to the kitchen.

"God dammit," you muttered as smelt your breakfast burning, remembering you were cooking.

"Good thing I brought enough for two." Tiffany said getting out donuts, breakfast burritos, chocolate milk and juice. You and Tiffany ate breakfast while catching up on the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars.

"Guess what just stopped by to say hello?" Tiffany said when she walked back into the living room from the bathroom. "Drum roll please... my monthly gift!" she said plopping down on the couch. "Oh and by the way, I think you are out of tampons. I couldn't find any, luckily I had one in my purse." She said.

You got up and went into the bathroom to look. You leaned down to look under the sink and all you found was an empty tampon box. You stood back up and saw your little calendar and it hit you. You haven't gotten your period yet. You got closer to the calendar and counted the days from when you should've gotten it. "Eight" You said to yourself. You counted again, and again, and again, and got eight each time. You went and sat down on the toilet seat thinking about this and how this was possible. You were on birth control, and you and Luke always used a condom.

"Umm... are you okay? You've been in here for a while now." Tiffany said walking into the bathroom.

"I'm late." you mumbled.

"For?" Tiffany said sounding confused.

"My period. Its eight days late..."

"Wait. What? How? You and Luke always use a condom and you are on birth control. Right?" Tiffany said sitting down on the edge of the bath tub.

"Shit. Did I miss a day?" You said getting up and walking over to your medicine drawer, pulling out your birth control. "Nope. I took them all." You said putting it back in its place and walking back to the toilet.

You sat there staring off into space. Trying to figure out how your period is late. "It's never been late." you thought to yourself.

"I'll be right back." Tiffany said walking out of the bathroom. Before you could ask her where she was going you heard the front door close. You sat there thinking back over everything. You and Luke always used a condom. You were both scared of risking you getting pregnant and him being away on tour and not being able to be there every step of the way. You loved him of course and you knew he loved you but would being pregnant change any of that? You started crying at the possibilities of Luke not wanting to be a father or wanting you to get an abortion or put the child up for adoption. You put your hand on your stomach and thought silently to yourself about how you would never do that. And then it hit you, there is a possibility that a baby is living in you. You never imagined you being a mom so soon, but the thought actually excited you even though it also scared the hell out of you.

"I'm back!" Tiffany yelled as she opened the front door. "Here." she said handing you a Walmart bag and a pack of Gatorade, which meant one thing. She bought pregnancy tests. You looked up at her and sighed while opening Gatorade and gulping it down. "Ill be right here if you need me." She said as she sat down on the floor in front of the sink. You got up of the toilet and closed the door, and opened the first pregnancy test box.

After taking every pregnancy test known to man, you and Tiffany sat there on the floor waiting for ten minutes to pass so you could check the tests.

"I think it's been enough time." You said getting up, walking over to the pregnancy tests. "Will you look for me?" You asked Tiffany as she got up.

"Of course, ready?" She asked and you shook your head yes. "Alright... four positive and two negative." she said just as your phone started ringing. You looked down and saw it was Luke.

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