Part eight

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The next morning you woke up to the sound of what seemed to be dishes breaking. You got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen,

"Luke? What's that noise?"

"Good morning Ashley," said a familiar Australian voice, just then Calum stood up from behind the counter.

"Good morning Cal, umm do you know where Luke is?"

"He left to get boxes, he should be back any moment now," he said grabbing a stack of plates from the cabinet and sitting them on the counter.

"Here let me help," you said grabbing some of the plates off his stack.

"I don't want any more breaking," you said with a wink.

"Luke said not to let you lift anything," Calum said taking the stack from your hands.

"Why? I always do dishes," you said crossing your arms. Calum just shrugged his shoulders and went back to moving dishes from the cabinets to the counter top. You turned and walked back into your room to get ready for the day. Once you finished getting ready, you heard Luke's voice.

"Well, since I suddenly am not allowed to lift anything, I'm leaving," you said walking past Luke, towards the front door, slamming the door on your way out.

"Ash, wait a second." Luke said following you to your car.

"Fine." You said putting your car in park.

"Babe, we missed the appointment yesterday, but don't worry. I called Dr. Layne and got it rescheduled for today in about an hour. So if you'd like, I would love to go with you."

"What? I totally forgot about that. Oh my god. I'm sorry Luke. Thank you so much for calling. Of course you can go with, this little peanut is part yours." You said turning off your car.

"I'm going to change clothes really fast. And um the boys are here to help pack up everything, because we have to be back on tour in a few days and they offered to help."

"That's so nice of them. Now go change so we can check on our little peanut." You said giving Luke a quick kiss.

"I don't know why, but I'm nervous." Luke said once you were in a room.

"I'll be okay Luke, it's just a checkup."

"But what if it's not safe for the baby to be on tour."

"Babe, it'll be okay." You said just as there was a knock on the door.

"Hello Ashley."

"Hi Dr. Layne."

"And you must be dad?" she said motioning towards Luke.

"Um, yea, I'm dad. Holy fuck, I'm going to be a dad."

"Yes, yes you are. Do you want to see the baby?" she asked the two of you, you looked at Luke.

"Hell yeah I do." He said.

Dr. Layne had you go change into a hospital gown, then once you got back to the room she had you lay down on the little bed and she lifted up the gown and squeezed a blue gel like substance on your stomach.

"Alrighty, right there is a foot." She said pointing to the monitor.

"And there is a hand." She said pointing to the screen again.

"Ah, and there's your baby's head."

"I made that." Luke said looking at the screen.

"Well, half of that but yes Lucas." You said laughing at him.

"Well the baby seems to be doing great. Let me get the prints of your ultrasound and you can go change clothes and then we will talk about any concerns you have." She said getting up for her stool.

"We really are pregnant." Luke said looking at you after she left.

"Yes we are. I love you Lucas."

"I love you too." He said bending down and kissing you.

"Alright, here are the pictures. Now do you two have any concerns?" she asked after you got back from changing.

"Um well, Luke is in a band. And they are about to go back on tour, and we were wondering if it would be safe for me to go with him?" you asked, holding Luke's hand.

"For now, I think it would be safe. But you need to get appointments made in each city you stop at to make sure everything is okay with the baby and I would advise keeping a nurse or doctor on tour with your medical team that has experience with pregnancies and the growth of a baby."

"So they can go with me?" Luke said.

"Yes, but if there is a doctor that is worried, you need to come home immediately. And don't hesitate to call me if you feel like something is wrong." She said handing you a piece of paper with her number on it.

"Thank you so much Dr. Layne." You said smiling at her.

"Anytime. Be careful on tour but have fun." She said smiling back as she got up to leave.

"I can't wait to tell the boys that you get to come with me." Luke said getting up from the little chair.

"Let's go get packed so we can leave." You said grabbing his hand and leaving the doctor's office.

"Guys guess what!" Luke shouted once we got into the house.

"What?" they all yelled back from the living room.

"Ashley and mini Hemmings get to go on tour with us!" Luke said, as the boys got excited.

"Did you see the baby?" Ashton asked.

"Yup, do you guys wanna see pictures?" you asked holding up the ultrasound pictures.

"Hell yeah we do." Michael said, you showed them the pictures and pointed to the hands, feet and head, as they looked at the pictures.

"I'm going to be a dad." Luke said pulling you away from the boys.

"And I'm going to be a mom." You said wrapping your arms around him.

"I love you so much Ash."

"I love you too Luke."

"And I love you too, so much." He said placing a hand on your belly.

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