Part three

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Your phone started ringing, startling you a little bit. You looked down at your phone and saw it was Luke. You reluctantly answered it.

"Hi babe." you said answering it.

"Hello love, how are you today?" He said.

"Umm, I'm fine. Waiting on my mom to get here."

"What do you two have planned?"

"Uhhh, I have a doctors appointment today and she wanted to go to lunch with me so she offered to take me." you said shakingly.

"What is the doctor's appointment for? Are you sick?" He said worried.

"Um, no Im not sick. I just uh have a checkup." You said looking down at your stomach.

"Good. Well have fun with your mom and tell her I said hello."

"Thank you and I will." You said just as you heard a knock at your front door.

"Um hey, my mom just got here. I'll call you later. LOve you bye." You said hanging up the phone and answering the door.

"Ready to go?' Your mom said

"Ready as i'll ever be." you said with a smile.

"Luke said hi." You said once your mom started driving away from your house.

"Have you told him?"

"Nope. and i don't plan on it until i am one hundred percent positive that i'm pregnant."

"Are you ready to find out?"

"No. I'm honestly scared to death. But I had sex so with that comes the chance of getting pregnant so therefore I have to deal with the consequence and hope that Luke wants to be a dad." You said starting to tear up.

"Honey, I promise Luke will want to be a dad. And you have me, I will help you when needed. You wont be alone." your mom said as she pulled up to Dr. Lane's office. You took a deep breath and took off your seatbelt and got out of the car.

"Hello, what is your name?" said the lady at the front desk.

"Um, AShley. I had an appointment with Dr. Lane."

"Alrighty. She will be with you in just a minute." she said with a smile.

You muttered a thanks and walked over and sat down next to your mom. She was reading a magazine and you sat there and looked around to find one that looked interesting. You finally settled on one about preparing for parenthood.

"Ashley." you head a lady call out. You got up taking a deep breath and walking up to her, with your mom following behind.

"How are you today?" she asked.

"Im fine. how are you?'

"Im good thanks for asking." she said leading us into a room.

"Im going to ask you a few questions before Dr. Lane gets in here." she said with a smile.

"Alright." you said sitting down on the edge of the little bed.

"When was your last menstrual cycle?"

"um... I got it last month on the seventh."

"Are you on birth control?'

"yes ma'am"

"So I take it as you are sexually active then?"

"well, why else would i be here?" you said being serious, as the lady laughed.

"Okay and last question. Is your period regular?"

"Always has been. Ive never been late a day before in my life until now."

"Alright. WEll Dr. Lane will be in here in a few minutes." she said with a smile while walking out of the room.

A few minutes had passed and the doctor still hadn't came in. You were starting to wish that Luke was here with you so he could go through this entire experience with you but at the same time you were terrified at the thought of telling Luke. You still had a little bit of doubt that he wouldn't want to be a father and want you to get an abortion or put the baby up for adoption and you couldn't fathom the thought of that.

"Hello Ashley, Im Dr. Lane."


"So you think you might be pregnant?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am. My period is nine days late. And I took several pregnancy tests and some were negative but more of them were positive."

"Well I would see why you would think that then. Im going to do two tests on you. The first one will be a urine test and the second will be blood. Is that okay?" she asked and you just shook your head yes.

After you peed in the cup and got your blood drawn you went back into the room and laid down on the little bed to wait for the results. You were woken up by the sound of a knock on the door. You sat up to see Dr. Lane walking back in with some papers.

"Alright. The results are in." she said as your mom grabbed your hand.

"And?" you said squeezing your mom's hand.

"Congratulations. You are going to be a mom!" she said with a smile.

Your mom came and hugged you and you hugged her back and started smiling. You and Luke are going to be parents.

"You will need to start eating healthier and taking vitamins and coming in for check ups." she said handing you some papers on vitamins, eating and appointments.

"Congratulations again and if you feel like something is going wrong call me right away." she said handing you her card.

"Thank you." you said as she walked out of the room with a smile.

"Looks like you're going to be a grandma!" you said looking at your mom.

"I cant believe it." she said with a smile as you two were walking out.

Just as you got home you got a text from Luke.

"I love you so much Ashley and I miss you like crazy. I wish you could be here with me. You would love this city. Call you later." You sat your phone down and sat down on your couch and started reading the papers from Dr. Lane.

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