Part nine

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The next few days had been really busy. As soon as Luke and you got home from the doctors they all could not wait to hear if you could go on tour with them or not. Of course they got overly excited and wanted to tell the fans, but with the circumstances, Luke said it would be best to hold off on exciting the fans as well. The boys had to be back on tour in a week, and Luke wanted to be moved into the new house before leaving.

"Luke, how are we going to pack this place up and unpack at our other house in only one week? The house isn't even painted the right colors," you said waving your arms around in the air.

"I have an idea," Michael said before Luke could open his mouth.

"At least someone is helping," you said giving a look at Luke.

"So we have like four guys here, so two of us can go to the new house and start painting, while the other two stay here and pack," Mike said looking at you.

"We haven't even picked out the paint yet," you said looking down at the floor.

"Then Luke and you can go get paint, and the boys and I will stay here and pack," Mike said as the boys walked in the room.

"Wait, what's going on?" Ashton asked as he plopped down on the couch.

"Well, we leave for tour in a week, and we need to be moved into the new house before we leave," Luke said as Calum plopped down next to Ashton.

"So, I said we would help. So first thing is, Luke and Ash are going to go buy paint, while we stay here and pack, then when they get back, Ash and Cal are going to go to the new house and paint while I help Luke pack," Mike said to everyone.

"And what about me? I can't help?" you said getting huffy.

"Babe, I don't want you to hurt yourself or the baby," Luke said walking up beside you.

"Oh for fucks sake, I won't hurt myself or the baby. I'm helping, now let's go get paint," you said grabbing the car keys.

"Ugh. Thank you guys so much. I'll be back as soon as I can," Luke said following you out to the car.

The car ride to the paint store was pretty quiet, which you enjoyed, you had some time to think about what you wanted the paint colors to be and think about where you wanted things in the new house to be.

"Hey babe, what about a neutral shade for the house, like beige color," Luke said breaking the silence.

"That's what I was thinking, have one color for the kitchen, living room, laundry room, bathrooms and hallways. And a different color for our room, the baby's room and the office," you said looking over at him.

"That sounds perfect," he said smiling at you.

Once you got to the paint store, you told a worker what you were wanting and they helped you find the colors you wanted, you picked a light beige color for the guest room, kitchen, bathrooms, living room, laundry room and hallways, a dark brown color for the office and a brownish green color for yours and Luke's room, you only had to pick out a color for the baby's room.

"So I've been thinking about the baby's room a lot," you said looking at Luke.

"And what have you been thinking?" he asked looking at you.

"Well, we don't know if our little peanut is a mini you or a mini me yet, but I was thinking that if they are a mini me then we could do her room in grey and pink and if they are a mini you then we could do his room in grey and yellow," you said looking at the paint colors.

"I think that's perfect, so why don't we pick out a grey color and paint their room grey for now and add pink or yellow once we know," he said smiling at you.

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