Part four

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It's been about a week since you went and saw Dr. Lane. Your mom is the only person that knows one hundred percent that you are pregnant. Tiffany has called and asked but you keep ignoring her. You just can't bring yourself to telling anyone. Just then your phone vibrated.

"I'll be there in 20." Tiffany texted.

You sat your phone down on your vanity and finished getting ready. Tiffany is taking you out for a girls day. And as much as you wanted to, you didn't want to at the same time. You knew she would be questioning you about going to the doctor. And you know you need to tell her and a lot of other people. But you are so scared that everyone will leave you and you will have to do this on your own.

You finished getting ready and started a load of dishes while waiting for Tiffany to get there. Just as you were about to turn on the tv you heard a knock at your door.

"who is it?" You yelled as you were walking towards the door. No one answered. You tried to look through the peephole but you couldn't see anyone.

"Hello?" You said again. And once again there was no answer. You opened the door and didn't see anyone or Tiffany's car. You closed the door and decided to call Tiffany.

"Hello?" Tiffany said.

"Um where are you?"

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Alright." You said hanging up the phone. Setting it down on the counter. Just as you did so, you heard another knock. This time you went and opened the door. Just as you opened it. You saw someone run off. You walked outside and looked around and didn't see anyone.

"Whoever keeps knocking on my door. Please for the love of God. Fucking stop." You said before walking back into your house. Just as you shut the door you heard a door shut. And then your phone started ringing.

"Hey. I'm here." Tiffany said.

"Get into my house now." You said hanging up.

"What is going on?" She said as she opened the door.

"Shut up and come here." You whispered. She walked over to you and you said "okay, someone is in my fucking house."

Tiffany looked at you like you were crash and started looking around. She left the living room and looked in all the rooms.

"You're crazy." She said when she came back.

"No. I promise. Someone kept knocking on the door and then someone came in and they are in here." You said

"I just looked. There isn't anyone here. Now let's go." She said.

"I'm not crazy. If my house gets vandalized i'm blaming you." You said walking out of your house and locking your front door.

You and Tiffany were gone for several hours. You went and ate lunch and then shopping. On your way back to the car you passed a baby store.

"Hey. Let's go in here." You said.

"Why?" Tiffany said confused.



"Me and luke are pregnant." You said with a smile.

"Wait what?! You got the results back?"

"Yup. And it's positive."

"Oh my gosh!! I bet luke is so excited!! What did Liz say?!"

"Well..ya and my mom are the only ones that know."

"You didn't tell luke?"

"No...I will...when the time is right." You said walking over to more baby clothes. Just as you walked away you saw a little white onesie that said 'Mommy's Little Peanut' in gray.

"That one is perfect." Said Tiffany.

"It really is." You said putting your hand on your belly.

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