Chapter 84 - TUMMY

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Hii guys, are any of you interested in some playlist ? I've been going to one playlist a month for over 2 years and they're all on spotify and deezer so if any of you are interested I can put my account somewhere for you to have access to it.

Anyway, this is a short chapter but necessary to the plot !

I hope you will enjoy it and sorry for not following my schedule anymore.

Don't forget to vote and comment ! That's what keeps me going :)

Bye, M


... March 12th – Los Angeles ...

Renee's POV

My stomach's been aching on and off all morning, but I didn't want to freak Max out. She's at work, probably in some important meeting, and I know if I tell her, she'll drop everything and rush home.

We've been fighting about this lately—not big fights, but there's been this constant tension between us. She's worried, scared out of her mind, and I get it, I really do. After what happened, who wouldn't be? But it's exhausting, this back-and-forth between us. Max is always hovering, checking up on me, and it makes me feel fragile, like I'm going to break at any second. And I just can't live like that.

So, I try to focus on the positive side of things. I remind her I'm fine. I think I'm trying to convince myself as much as I'm trying to convince her.

I rub my stomach absently, feeling another wave of pain. Nothing too bad, just enough to make me uncomfortable. I reach for my phone, debating if I should text her. I want to. It's probably just something I ate anyway.


Baby Angel 🖤

Ray Ray 🤍 10:02AM

'Hey baby, I just wanted to let you know my tummy hurts. Can you pass by the pharmacy on your way home ? I'm fine though <3'

'Have a great day, can't wait to see you, love u <3'


I stare at the message for a moment before hitting send. I hate feeling like this, like I have to tiptoe around her worry. It's not her fault, I know that. She's just scared because she loves me. I hop in the shower, hoping the hot water will make me feel a little better.

When I step out, toweling off, I notice my phone screen lit up with a missed call from Max.

'Two missed call from Baby Angel 🖤'

Great. I knew this would happen. My stomach tightens, but this time, it's not the ache—it's guilt.


Baby Angel 🖤 10:06AM

'Are you okay ? Do you want me to get home now ? Miss u, love u <3'


Of course, she'd ask that. She's always ready to swoop in and fix things. I can picture her now, probably already considering packing up her stuff and walking out of that meeting. And part of me feels so guilty because I know I'm the one making her feel this way, even though I never asked for any of this to happen. I just want us to go back to normal—whatever "normal" is supposed to be.

I type back quickly


Ray Ray 🤍 10:15AM

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