Chapter 21 - PIANO

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Hi guys, this chapter is a little filler chapter to introduce the rest of the story. I hope you like it anyway !

Do you like the story so far ? Do you have suggestions og what could happen next ?

Don't forget to like and comment if you like it and thanks for reading

Enjoy, M



Max's POV

It's been a week now since Renee joined me at my parents' house, and it's been so great having her around. However, this morning, reality hit hard when Adam called her, laying out the plans for her return trip. She's leaving tomorrow.

My little sister took Renee on a bike tour, showing her the familiar sights of our hometown and apparently regaling her with some embarrassing stories of my childhood. Their laughter echoed through the house when they returned, and I couldn't help but smile at the bond forming between them.

While they were out, I seized the opportunity to spend some quality time alone with my mom. It's been wonderful having Renee here, but I was really happy to be able to reconnect with my family a little.

Saying goodbye to Renee tomorrow is going to be tough. The uncertainty of when we'll meet again adds an extra layer of sadness to her departure. But one thing's for certain: we're committed to keeping our connection alive. We've promised each other that we'll continue calling each other almost every day. It's a small comfort in the face of her leaving.

It's Saturday, and with everyone home, the house is alive with activity. The sound of laughter and chatter drifts in from the garden, where Renee is lending my dad a hand with his latest gardening project. My mom and my sister went to play tennis. I sit down at the piano, the familiar keys feel comforting beneath my fingertips. It's been a while since I've played, but the notes come back to me effortlessly. As I lose myself in the music, I hear my brother's footsteps approaching. He's always had a fascination with the piano. I recall how, when he was just three years old, he would sit mesmerized as I played, his little eyes fixed on the keys. It had a calming effect on him, and even now, he gravitates towards the sound whenever I start to play. Today is no exception as he quietly settles on the stairs behind me.

With a hesitant breath, I begin to sing the melody from Alex's song 'IDK You Yet', my voice soft and tentative at first. It feels strange to sing with someone else in the room. I've always found solace in the quiet solitude of playing and singing on my own, but now, with my brother listening in, I can't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness. I know for sure he is not going to sing with me.

"How can you miss someone you've never met?

'Cause I need you now but I don't know you yet

But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?

Yeah, I need you now but I don't know you yet

Cause lately it's been hard

They're selling me for parts

And I don't wanna be modern art

But I only got half a heart

To give to you"

I'm in the middle of playing the piano, lost in the melody, when I suddenly hear Renee's voice chiming in. Surprised, I stop singing, continuing to play but leaving her the lyrics.

"No, no please continue singing babe !" she urges, her tone laced with encouragement.

I glance at her, feeling a twinge of nervousness creeping in. I pause my playing.

What the Future has for Us -- Renee Rapp fictionWhere stories live. Discover now