- Season 0 - Episode 5 - Deus Ex-Gemina

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Tungsten: "..........."

In one of Homeworld's many cities, Tungsten was seen standing on a walkway high above everything, staring out of a window at the world around him as many Gems were seen living their lives, marching past happily behind him... The man had an odd aura around him as he stood there for a moment, before he turned and began marching off.

 The man had an odd aura around him as he stood there for a moment, before he turned and began marching off

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"WAHAHH!? You're kidding right? Please tell me that you misread whatever you just read from..."

Inside of a familiar green laboratory, Peridots were seen working like they usually did, as a familiar voice screamed out, causing them to jump in shock... Meanwhile, at the core of the lab, Prime Peridot was seen with a concerned expression on her face, as she spoke with Corundum via a holographic screen.

Corundum: "It's extremely hard to misread one of Tungsten's own reports. If you need me to repeat myself I will."

Peridot: "Ugh... Let me get this straight... So, the E.M.M.D.U was put on a joint mission on an overly hazardous planet to protect several Terraformers... And SOMEHOW! 17 different Metals were Shattered!? In a simple Guarding Mission?"

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