Episode 2 - To See A Sea Of Stars

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Tungsten: ".........."

In this odd area, The Crystal Gems were seen along with Tungsten, the man holding a roll of stickers on his arm, as he stood next to Steven, an obvious unamused expression on his face, while Steven looked around in awe. Garnet was seen marching over to one of the many Warp Pads on this odd structure, standing on it for a moment...

Garnet: "Inactive."

The Gem said, causing Tungsten to march over, taking one of the stickers off of the roll on his arm, slapping it down ontop of the cracked warp pad, revealing the sticker to be of a crying apple. Amethyst then Jumped ontop of a cracked warp pad excitedly.

Amethyst: "INACTIVE!"

Tungsten then marched over, slapping down another sticker, revealing this one to be a crying Bread Roll. Pearl was seen standing one of the Warp Pads, a somber expression on her face.

Pearl: "Inactive..."

Tungsten then marched over, slapping down another Sticker.

Tungsten: "Why is it that I have to do this? These Orders feel... unnecessary..."

Garnet: "After that stunt you pulled, you're grounded, meaning, you've gotta follow any orders we give you, no "I don't follow orders from rebels" mess."

Tungsten: "I should have gone with Lapis..."

Tungsten grumbled.... All the while Amethyst seemed annoyed.

Amethyst: "Do we have to check all of them? They're all still inactive, like always."

Garnet: "We need to make sure."

The two said, as Steven continued looking around in awe.

Steven: "I've never seen so many warp pads before. It's a good thing I brought so many Crying Breakfast Friends stickers!"

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