Chapter 14

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As soon as the pandavs reached they saw the chariot of Duryodhan now they knew why was duryodhan in a hurry this morning. " oh so he is also taking part in the swayambar ." Said Arjun with a frown . " leave it arjun even if he is here he will never win the swayambar ." Said bheem not liking the idea of duryondha winning." Bheem , arjun stop it the invitation came for hastinapur as the princes they have the right to participate." Said Yudhisthir but inside he was also worried he thought all of the negative possibilities oh his cousin winning.

" but jyesth what will we do if he wins ." Said nakul . Making Yudhisthir more anxious then he already was . Sehdev on noticing the reaction of Yudhisthir said . " lets see what will happen for now we are here so lets not get tensed ." " yeah sehdev is saying right  see the king and queen are waiting for us ." Said Yudhisthir trying to calm his thoughts. They went towards the royal family who were welcoming the guest . " pranipat yuvraj Yudhisthir." Greeted the old king and his family . " pranipat maharaj ,maharani , yuvraj , yuvrani ," greeted the pandavs with a polite demeanor.

" you came to participate in my daughter's swayambar my heart is pleased ." Greeted the king . They all went inside , devant and trisha showed them their chambers where they were supposed to rest . Yudhisthir reached his chamber and sat on his bed he was thinking about Divyanshi a lot . At first his dharmi mind wasn't allowing him to think about her in that way but he couldn't help . She had really made an impact on him since their last meet up .

He was thinking about her until his brothers barged into his room . Yudhisthir for a moment was in shock . " what are you all here for ." He asked knowing his brothers . He knew that they have come for something and seeing them smirk it was confirmed. " jyesth we heard that rajkumari Divyanshi is in the royal garden right now ." Said nakul and for a moment Yudhisthir breathing stopped and he was blushing but somehow he composed himself and asked . " so what nakul , it is her home she can be anywhere she wants ." His brothers sighed loudly . " jyesth you are so unromantic ." Said nakul with a done look . " how is our bhabhishree gonna deal with you ." Said bheem .

" if she is in the garden then what is the need to tell me all of this ." He asked in confusion he was still not getting why he was told about her whereabouts . " jyesth we know that you are not  romantic but you should learn now ." Said Arjun while dramatically putting his hands on his waist . " what do you mean arjun .?" He asked still not getting the point . " jyesth you need to understand that girls like romantic guys you need to try to at least look romantic ." Said nakul with experienced face . " yeah jyesth and you are always in that poker face our bhabhishree might get scared of you ." Said bheem while getting nakul in a head lock .

" juesth bhabhishree is in garden don't you think you should pay her a visit ." Asked arjun with a huge grin . " it is late arjun and it is not right to disturb a lady she is going to get married tomorrow she must be busy in her thoughts let her have some alone time ." He said nervously after he knew exactly what his brothers wanted him to do . " jyesth she is not alone she is with her friends." He said and moved towards him . " lets go before she leaves ." Said nakul and grasped his hands running towards the garden before Yudhisthir could even object he was already in the garden .

They could hear the giggles of girls. They hid behind some bushes and listened what they were talking about even though Yudhisthir objected he will be lying if he said that he was not curious about what they were talking and even though he wanted to be here he protested and was about to go when his brothers held him at his place this time his brothers were very obstinate . " just listen jyesth ." Whispered arjun .

And they started to listen . " Divyu you know i have seen so many handsome princes , kings and yuvraj i am sure you are going to get mesmerized ." Said mala but Divyanshi didn't said anything she just smiled looking down . " leave it mala the handsomeness of any man doesn't matter have you seen how beautiful our princess is ." Said chaya playfully and madhu playing along said . " i don't think in whole aryavart anyone is handsome or beautiful enough to get her ." And that statement made Divyanshi look up she with a soft smile said . " beauty doesn't lies in a person's face it lies in his character how he is , his thoughts , his behavior, his morals , his dharma that is what makes him beautiful sakhi and whoever is qualified in all of these capacity will be worthy of me ."

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