Charlie's POV
"Charlie your phones ringing" Mark yelled from down stairs.
"Comin' " I shouted back.
I answered my phone without looking at who was calling.
"Charlie..." It was Alley, she was crying.
"Yeah, hey, it's me... What's wrong?""I don't know."
"Ok? where are you?"
"I'm at home. I'm sorry I called but I didn't know who to call and... And.. And"
"It's alright. I'm coming right now. Stay where you are" she sounded really upset, must be some hormone thing or some shit.
The door was unlocked so I walked in. Alley wasn't in the living room or the kitchen so I decided since she was upset it would be ok for me to go into her bedroom.
I knocked softly first. "Dimples, it's me" I know I sound stupid but she was upset so I wanted to comfort her. She didn't answer so I went in, I mean I've seen her naked so...
She was asleep in her bed with a patch of her tears on the pillow.I walked over to her while observing her room. It was different from what I imagined (not that I sit around imagining her room or anything). It was childish but not in a bad way, in a cute, innocent way. Her quilt was white with little flowers on it. The small desk sat in the corner with a neat pile of papers and she had light pink walls. I made it to Alleys side. I used my thumb to gently wipe away a tear on her soft cheek. Her big, blue eyes fluttered open. "Stay?" she said as she pulled the blanket open so I could slide in.
"I don't think I should be in your bed" What if her mum rocked up and I'm in her daughters bed, the daughter I got pregnant?"Please" she looked up at me with those sparkly eyes and I just couldn't refuse her. I slipped into the bed and pulled her close to my chest. We seem to be in this position a lot lately.
While I laid next to small frame I thought about our future. It occurred to me weather or not Alley would stay in school, the fact we would have to get jobs to support the baby and I have no f*cking idea how to be a father. I'm terrified, not that I would ever admit that to anyone.
"Alley, I'm home" it was Alleys mother
Thud! Suddenly I was on the ground.
"What the h*ll?"
"Shh! Get under the bed!"
I obeyed, considering the alternative was Alleys mum seeing Alley and I in the same bed. I laid under it, surprisingly used to the situation.
"Alley are you asleep?"
"No!" I heard Alleys quick response, she sounded suspicious but Lisa didn't seem to notice."Well I think we need to discus the child, since you and Charlie haven't come up with anything. "
"Shouldn't Charlie be here for that?"
"Your not falling for him are you Alison?"
"I-I don't know" did Alley just admit to have fallen for me? Or was it just because I was lying under her bed?
"Fine. Tell him to come over but you and I will have the last say and I must be able to see him at all times. In case he try's anything."
"Ok. I will call him. He won't try anything, trust me" I think Alley was talking to me more than her mum for that last part.
"Hello?... Yeah I was just wondering if you would like to come over and talk... That's great see you soon... Always" I glanced out from under the bed and watched Alley pretending to talk to me on her phone. I think she was blushing.

Player got me pregnant
RomanceA naive teenage girl gets pregnant by the school player when he convinces her to come over and 'study'. Will he stay the player and leave her or become a nice dad and boyfriend?