I answered the door after a forceful knocking sounded.
"Miss Graham?" A large man wearing a suit was at the door.
"Um...yes. That's me."
"I believe you should take a seat"
We sat down in the kitchen and I offered the man a glass of water.
"I'm afraid I bring sorrow news" the mans' eyes were filled with pity and sadness.
"It's about your mother" my heart began racing in my chest.
"Shes'...she's' been in an accident. The paramedics did all they could. But unfortunately..."
I began shaking my head. My chest was tight. I couldn't move. I just starred at the man. First my dad and now mum as well. I couldn't help thinking this was my punishment for having Emma. That all of this was my doing."Babe, I'm home" I heard Charlie's distant voice. My head was racing. I could see the man talking to Charlie. Charlie ran over to me but my teary eyes wouldn't focus. I could see his lips moving but I couldn't hear the words. I felt Charlie pick me up and put me in our bed. He laid next to me and cuddled me into his chest as an attempt to comfort me. But I was inconsolable.
First she got pregnant at fifteen and now she's lost both her parents. I knew nothing I did would comfort her. For days she wouldn't eat, sleep or leave the bed where I'd placed her. The only time when she would come back to reality is when I placed Emma into bed with her. Her gaze was still far off yet it shifted at Ems presents.
After dinner I carried Alley into the bathroom. I sat her on the side of the bath and began to remove her clothes. Lowering her into the soapy water. She began to cry into my chest. My heart broke as she cried. I sat her on my lap, gently rocked her as I rubbed her back. Knowing there was nothing I could do except hold her.

Player got me pregnant
Roman d'amourA naive teenage girl gets pregnant by the school player when he convinces her to come over and 'study'. Will he stay the player and leave her or become a nice dad and boyfriend?