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Alleys POV
We were all sitting around the table; mum, Charlie and I. In awkward silence. Finally mum spoke up. "Right well, we are going to talk about this in chronological order." She didn't look at Charlie not even for a second.
"Sounds good" Charlie and I said in awkward unison which seemed to anger mum more.
"Mmhm. Now the birth" I saw Charlie move uncomfortably in his seat which caused me to giggle under my breath. "Well I was thinking about having an at home, natural birth" I said looking at the both of them. But that's when... "Are you f*cking insane?" Charlie stood up and was practically yelling at me. "What?" Was the only thing I could let escape my mouth. "That sounds like a f*cking sh*t idea. What if something goes wrong...I can't loose you." Again he was yelling but he whispered the last part so only I could just hear it. "Nothing will happen, it's the way women are meant to give birth"

"Um, Alley, your only a girl" mum spoke up
"So your against it to" I asked with great annoyance.
"Yes I am, you will be having the baby in the hospital. "

"That's not you decision considering I'm the one who is giving birth"

"Well we will come back to the birthing later" mum said in a you-will-do-as-I-say tone. I rolled my eyes like a five year old only pushing her point of me being a girl but I couldn't help it.

"Adoption" mum stated as if that was what was happening.
"What?" Charlie asked, I imagine if he had had a drink he would have done one of those movie spit takes.
"Alley and I decided that adoption would be better for the baby" mum said with emphasis on the Alley.
"That's f*cking b*ll sh*t!" Charlie seemed really, I don't like to swear but, really p*ssed. I put my hand on his arm to try and calm him but he pushed it off. "No child is better off in foster care, trust me"
"And when where you ever in foster care?" Mum asked in a hostile tone.
"I still am"
"What?" That didn't make sense, he lived with his uncle and aunt.
"Mark and Brenda aren't my uncle and aunt, their my foster parents. I've been in foster care for eight years. I moved in with Mark and Brenda four years ago." He didn't look up from the floor a single time. I put my hand on top of his, as a sign of comfort. He took it and began to stroke my hand with his thumb, starring at our hands.

"Okay, so you don't think adoption is an option?" Mum asked in a small, hushed voice.
"Neither do I" I don't want my child growing up like Charlie had to.
"Well then if you both agree, you will have to find a way to support the child."

"We will" Charlie said with confidence yet still quiet. He looked up at me and squeezed my hand three times 'I-love-you' I smiled and returned the gesture because after all this time we both had fallen for each other.

"Right, arr, well I think we have covered enough for today" mum said as a hint for Charlie to leave since we really hadn't covered anything, except neither of them want me to have an at home birth, Charlie and I don't want to adopt and Charlie is a foster child.

"Well it was nice seeing you Dimples"

"It was nice seeing you too" I said as I could feel myself blushing and I couldn't hold back the ridiculous grin, I always had when he was around.

Charlie was about to turn and leave when he changed his mind and pulled me into his strong arms, hugging me and kissing me on my forehead.
"I love you Alley" he whispered, that was the first time he had ever said it out loud. I squeezed him tighter.

"Now!" Mum said after awhile. "I'm going, I'm going" Charlie said darlingly and with that he was out the door and down the street.


Thank you all so much for over 1K!! You don't even know how much I love you all!!

Sorry if the chapter is bad but I'm really tired.

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