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"It's time to start a family, baby." He smiled.

"Fuck no! You know how to pull out Jason! I do not want a fucking baby with someone who fucks me against my will and beats me! Hell no!"

Before I knew it, my head flew to the right...again.

Jason slapped me, again.

"That's exactly why I don't want anything to do with you; especially a baby." I spat while scooting away from him on the bed.

"I do what I want with you whenever I want and you are giving birth to my baby." He seethed.

But I don't want to. I hate his guts.

I have to start listening to him. I need to act like I'm falling for him so he can trust me enough to at least let me out of this god awful room.

And what better time to start the act then now?

"You know you can't beat me when I'm pregnant, right?" I asked, starting slow.

"I know baby, I hate hitting you. You make me do it."

"I'll listen for now on, I promise. I want to have your baby." As much as I hated to say it, this had to be done.

"Don't lie to me." Jason spat while raising his hand.

"I'm not! I'm not! I swear, I swear I'm telling the truth. I want to have your baby." I lied through my teeth.

"Good girl." He smirked.

"We're going to have a happy family." I smiled.

As if.

"Yes we are." He smiled.

I don't want a family with him. Hell, I'm only 19, I'm not even sure if I want a baby or not.

"You're gonna be the best looking pregnant woman ever." He said, leaning down to kiss me.

I have to kiss him back?

Well...shit. I guess I have to so I can gain his trust so that when this baby is born I can run.

So...that's what I did. I kissed back.

"Can I have breakfast now?" When he pulled away from me.

"I'll bring it up to you." He got out of bed and put his boxers back on.


"Jason?" I asked.

"Shit...I mean daddy?"

Jason smirked and looked over at me on 'my' bed, "Yes?" He asked.

"Can I get my belly button pierced?" I asked.

It's something that I've always wanted done and I was going to get it whether I'm being held hostage or not.

"What if you're pregnant?" He asked, actually sounding concerned for once in his life.

"It won't hurt the baby, promise." I said.

He nodded and said, "we'll get it done tomorrow." He said.

I smiled, pretending I was happy when I was anything but that. Asking if I could get my belly button pierced just made me sound like a normal person. It made it sound like I was slowly becoming okay around him.

Which I totally wasn't, I mentally rolled my eyes.

That night I just lie in bed and cried. Today was my normal routine. I did this everyday. He'd come in, fuck me with pure lust, give me breakfast, sit with me then at night I'd lie by myself and cry.

I'm okay though, I'm used to it by now.

I soon fell asleep, feeling everything drift of until morning.


The next morning I was woken up to a bunch of radelling.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the plane grey walls surrounding me.


I'm turned around and snuggled into the blankets...wait, I'm not tied up?


I looked up and saw Jason cleaning stuff an putting them back down on a silver tray, "I'm not tied up?" I asked.

"Nope, I trust you. Plus, this door is practally bolted shut at night."

I sighed...of coarse it is.

"What are you doing?"

"Piercing your belly button." He simply stated.

"No...I'm getting it professionally done." I stated right back.

"Uhm, sorry but you are not stepping foot out of this room."

Well geez...I didn't know.

"I want it to be done right." I knew I was pushing my limits but for heaven sakes, who wants an infection?

"There is no correct way to do it, babe." He finally looked at me and smiled.

Such a charming smile...so perfe- what the hell am I saying? Calm yourself Emily!

I sighed, I don't feel like being beat right now.

"Roll on your back and take the covers off."

I did as he said and just opened an alcahol pad and cleaned over my belly button and around it.

"See, this is exactly what they would do at the shop." Shut the hell up, Jason.

Jason picked up a pair of clamps and a pen. He dotted where he was going to pierce it and set the clamps over the mark.

He picked up the tray and showed me a bunch of peircings. I picked out a baby blue one that had a dream catcher hanging from it that was really cool and he put the tray back down before picking up the needle.

I sucked in a breathe of air, suddenly becoming very nervous.

"You'll be fine." He said.


"Ready?" He asked, sitting in between my legs on the bed.

I nod, still a little nervous.

He put the end of the needle in the dot he made with his pen and without warning he shoved it through my skin.

I yelped, completely surprised.

He left the needle there an cleaned the piercing with an alcahol pad and connected the bottom part to the end of the needle and brought it through my skin then screwed the top part on.

"Done." He smiled.

I sat back, "That wasn't so bad."

"Told you."

"How far along do you have to be to find out if you're pregnant or not?" Jason asked.

"I'm only nineteen, like I know." I always push my limits.

"First of all, don't talk to me like that and second, we'll wait a week or two." He sighed. I fucking hate him. He thinks he can do whatever he wants to me.

Technically he can but...I don't like it.

"I'm scared." I frowned looking up at him.

Truth is...I am. I wanted my mom. I wanted my dad. I wanted someone that wasn't him.

"I bet you are princess but, I'll be here through it all." He smiled his toothy smile.

"I just wanna go home." I was now crying.

"I bet you do." He said while he started to tie my hands up again, "Night." He gave me a long kiss on the lips before walking out and locking the bolts on the other side.

And just like the night before...I sat there and cried myself to sleep.

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