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"Okay baby, they're going to wheel you out," Jason said while buckling Kyler into his car seat.

Nodding my head, I slowly stand up and walk towards the wheel chair where the nurse was patiently waiting. I am still a little sore because Kylers head is literally so big that it hurt even worse. But he's the best and I wouldn't change it for anything.

As we walked out, I stared at Jason carrying the car seat and diaper bag. I could get use to this site. Literally.

"Alright, I'll see you guys soon," the nurse smiled after I climbed into the front seat and turned my head to watch Jason attach the baby seat to the base.

"Okay," he sighed as he sat in the drivers seat, "we're ready."

"You're gonna be a great father," I complimented.

"And you're going to be a great mom, I just know it," he smiled at me.

"And this is your room," Jason smiled as he carried Kyler into it with me trailing close behind.

Jason lied him in his crib and covered his waist up with a blanket before walking out - leaving the door open.

"I love him so much already," Jason smiled as we walked into our room.

"Me too. It's so different, such a stronger type of love," I tried to explain but it's almost impossible to do that.

"Yeah," he smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, "you tired baby? You went through a lot."

"I'm more sore than tired," I said and walked to the bathroom.

"This parent life has some negatives to it, too."

"How so?" I giggled as I turned the shower on and started to strip myself from my clothing.

"I can't just bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck the living day lights out of you whenever I feel like it now," he called from our room.

"You never did that before," I giggled and looked at my body in the mirror. Oh god, I still have some meat on me.

"Yeah but I had fantasies and things planned for us," I could tell he was smirking by the way he was talking.

"Oh my god," I laughed.

"Yeah, you'll be laughing when I'm fucking you in the kitchen."

I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into our room to grab my brush from my bag that was packed for the hospital, "yeah yeah."

"Why do you have a towel on?" Jason questioned.

"Uhm...I don't like the way I look right now?" I stated the obvious.

"Your the most beautiful person in the world, Emily. You shouldn't feel ugly or fat, you just gave birth for crying out loud! I love you fat or skinny."

"I love you," I giggled and pecked his lips before dropping my towel and walking into the bathroom.

"Damn..." I heard him mutter under his breath.

"Jason," I hit his chest while holding Kyler in my other arm. His crying body wiggling around making me fear of dropping him.

"Hm?" He mumbled and peeked an eye open to see his son and girlfriend standing before him.

"Will you please feed him? I already changed him and everything."

"Uhm...yeah give him to me," he sighed and sat up, motioning with his hands for me to give him his son.

"I'll go make his bottle," I said and planted a kiss in both of their foreheads before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

Right now he's only drinking one ounce so I filled the bottle up and put a half scoop of formula in it before shaking the clear bottle up.

I grabbed a burp rag from Kyler's room before heading back into ours and handing everything to Jason.

Kyler was crying his eyes out but immediately stopped when Jason put the nipple of the bottle in his mouth, "they're you go. Sh Sh Sh," he hummed as he slowly rocked back and forth.

The scene before me made me smile, my perfect family.

It only took about ten minutes for Jason to feed him the boddle, "time to burp, baby boy," Jason smiled as he lied Kyler over his shoulder and started patting his back.

Kyler let out a big burp and before I could warn Jason, Kyler had already puked all over him.

"God fucking dammit," Jason spat before lying Kyler down on the bed and walking to the closet to change his shirt.

"Might wanna scrub your neck first..." I trailed off.

"Yeah, I know Emily."

Well god.

"Daddies crazy," I cooed and picked Kyler up, supporting his head, "yes he is. I said yes he is."

"Yeah, you two are soooo funny," Jason sighed as he walked out of the bathroom before returning to the bed.

"You," Jason pointed towards Kyler, "are mean."

"Say I know daddy," I giggled and rocked Kyler back to sleep.

"Morning baby," I looked at Jason as he entered the kitchen the next morning.

"Mornin'," he smiled and pecked my lips while his hands traveled down to my ass.

"Jason," I giggled and slapped his hands away.

"C'mon, you're acting like such a mother," he complained.

"That's because I am a mother," I laughed.

A big farting noise filled the kitchen, making us turn towards the basinet that I had carried down stairs. 

"Baby," I gasped and looked at his sleeping body.

"Just like his daddy," Jason smirked and kissed my forehead before heading to go take a shower.

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