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"Baby, you have to breathe," Jason tried to calm me down after being in labor for almost twelve hours. When will this flipping end?

"It hurts so bad..." I whined.

"I know baby but it'll get better."

"Don't fucking tell me it will get better, Jason! You're not the one pushing a flipping baby out of you!" I freaked out on him.

"Okay," he tried not to laugh, "just calm down baby."

"I'm sorry," I cried again, "I'm just so emotional right now,"

"I know you are baby," he rubbed my leg.

"We're here!" My dad announced as him and my mom scrambled in to my hospital room.

"Dad!" I yelled.

"What baby?" He was by my side in a second.

"I want water," I whispered.

"Okay," he smiled and walked out of the room again to buy her a bottle of water.

"Ow..." I muttered, "Jason."

"I'm here baby. I'm here," he soothed.

"Here," my dad walked back in and went to hand me the water.

"I wanted Jason to get it for me!" I completely freaked out.

Jason's POV

Holy shit. This is worse than I thought. She is completely bipolar right now.

"Baby, you told your dad to get it for-"

"I don't care," she cried.

"Okay okay," I said and secretly grabbed the water bottle from her dad before walking out and pacing up and down the hall way for a minute.

This is happening. Holy shit, my baby is coming. Carter is coming. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit, that's all I could think was holy shit.

I could hear her screams from out here. I never want to see her I'm this much pain; ever. When I saw her doctor start to approach the room I quickly scramble back in and handed her the water.

"Hello Emily," Doctor Palmer walked in, "how are you doing?"

"Not good," she spat making him chuckle.

"And that's completely fine. I'm just gonna see how far along you are. You'd think the baby would at least be five hours by now but...it looks like your going to have a long birth." He explained.

"Is-is that bad?" I asked.

"Not necessarily but if she doesn't start moving and dilating quickly we might have to do a c-section."

"What?!" Emily piped in, "no!"

"Sorry," he started to chuckle against, "gotta do what we gotta do if you want your baby out safely."

"Ah!" She screamed agin and clutched her stomach, "what was that?"

"A contraction," Dr. said.

"We'll it fucking hurt," she spat and threw her head back.

"That means you're starting to dilate which is a good thing,"

Oh god I hate seeing her in this much pain.

"Put your legs up," he informed.

He started measuring her and nodded, "4 centimeters. You get an epidural at 5."

"Thanks," I muttered as he walked out.

"Jason I can't do this anymore," Emily cried as she pushed. Carter is on his way.

"Don't say that, baby. You can do this!" I encouraged her. Encouragement is what gets the girl through this; at least that's what I heard.

"He's here!" The dr announced and pulled out a little boy that was at least 21' long.

"Jason do you want to cut the umbilical cord?"

Nodding my head I walked towards the doctor and looked at his face. My baby boy is so beautiful. I cut the cord and they wrapped him in a blue blanket before placing him in Emily's arms.

"Baby boy," she smiled. My two favorite people in the world.

"You did great, baby," I reminded her.

She really did. Even though she wanted to give up she pushed through it and delivered our baby.

"He looks like you Jason," she breathed out and ran her thumb over his little button nose that I will admit - is mine.

"I can't wait until he opens his eyes to see who's he has," I noted and wrapped his little hand around my pointer finger.

"Me either. All of that pain I just went through was so worth it," she noted, I'd do it again and again and again."

"Okay, slow down baby," I smiled, "can I hold him now?"

"Of coarse baby," she put her hand under his head and handed him over to me so I could hold him for the first time.

"He's not a Carter," I noted while studying his face. His facial features just don't scream 'Carter!'

"He isn't, is he?" She agreed.

"No. More like a...Kyle," I questioned.

"Not Kyle but something close to that," she said and looked around to start to think.

"Kyler," I noted and looked at her to see if she made a face.

"Yes. I love it," she smiled, "it's going to be so weird calling him something different now."

"I know," I laughed and rocked back and forth to keep Kyler alseep.

"Do you like any middle names baby?" I asked.

"Michael. I like Michael for a middle name." She smiled.

"Kyler Michael McCann?" I asked, "I love it."

"Me too, baby."

"Daddies here, baby boy," I noted and rubbed my finger through the hair he has.

"he has a lot of hair," I noted and smiled.

"Yes he does," she agreed.

"I love him so much already. How is that even possible?" I asked.

"I know. It's a different kind of love but it feels even stronger than that," she smiled and lied back, "oh god I'm so tired."

"Well, then I say we give Kyler back to them and let them weigh him and all that while we sleep. How about that?"

"Sounds perfect," she smiled.

Kyler Michael McCann, 5 pounds 1 ounce, 18' long. December 5th 2015.


Xoxo - Alexa!

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