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"Am I speaking to Emily?" The principle of the East Noble High School asked.

     "Yes, this is her," my voice shook as I spoke. This is it.

     "We have an opening but we are sorry to tell you that it is not for Junior year but for Senior. Is that okay?" Mrs. Fields asked.

     "One-hundred percent. I'll take it," I smiled and finished my conversation with her.

     "Okay. The school year is already almost over so during summer break we want you to come in and start getting your room ready. You'll start the following school year."

     "Wonderful!" I cheered.

     "Okay! Bye Emily," she said into the phone.


     "Was that Mrs. Fields?" Jason asked from behind me.

     I turned around with the biggest smile, "yeah!"

     "I would ask what she said but I think I already know!" He cheered and walked towards me before giving me the biggest hug.

     "I'm literally so happy. Mmm....so happy," I can't express how excited I am.

     "My only problem is leaving Kyler. I'll kiss him too much," I pouted.

      "Baby I've got him!" Jason laughed.

     "No, I know you do I'm just gonna miss him," I said and looked at the dirty dishes, "I don't feel like doing those..."

     "I will. You go to sleep. I've got this," Jason kissed my forehead and patted my butt before sending me upstairs. Kyler is asleep and Jason is cleaning the house; perfect timing to take a good nap.

Waking up from a deep slumber, I stumble into the bathroom and empty my stomach in the toilet.

"What the fuck?" I muttered and stood up to brush my teeth.

"Baby," Jason walked in with a dish rag in his hands, "are you okay?"

"I just threw up but I'm okay now."

"Are you sick?" He asked and walked towards me.

I shrugged my shoulders and put my tooth brush away before rinsing my mouth out, "I feel better now."

"How about you go back to sleep," Jason suggested, "you'll feel better."

Nodding my head, I walk back to our room and fell right back to sleep.

I was woken up to Kyler's loud cries and I sat up groaning. I looked at the clock which made me groan even louder. 3:36 in the morning.

I walked into the baby room and picked him up before changing his diaper, "is my baby boy hungry?" My sleepy voice mumbled.

As I was making him a bottle I got a sudden urge to throw up again, "hang on Kyler," I sat him down in the living room and ran to the bathroom down stairs. I emptied my stomach and literally started crying.

"What the hell..." I whispered and sat up against the wall.

The door slowly creaked open and Kyler came crawling in. He spotted me in the corner and crawled over to me. I picked him up and sat him on my lap while still crying.

Jason walked in a couple of minutes later and his eyes looked sorry, "did you throw up again?"

Nodding my head, I gasped for air.

"I'm setting an appointment up for you with Dr. Palmer," Jason said and came to pick Kyler up.

Nodding my head I stood up too, "his bottle is on the counter," I muttered and went back to sleep.

A:N - What do you think is wrong with Emily??? Comment your thoughts!!

Xoxo - Alexa

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