6 (mature)

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Jason and I were sitting on the couch watching an episode of Friends. Every once in a while Jason would let out a loud whole-hearted laugh and would put his fist over his mouth. I've noticed that about him. He tries to cover that smile that literally covers his whole face with his fist. It's cute.

When a commercial came on I looked over at Jason and saw that he was already looking at me. "I wanna ask you something." He said.


"What do you think about names? For the the baby." He asked.

"Uhm...wow I've never thought about it." I lightly laugh.

"Me either."

"What do you think it's going to be?" I asked.

"A girl. I want a little girl." And for the first time ever...I saw Jason McCann blush.

"Awe, well...what names do you like for a girl?" I asked.

"No, no, no. This is all about you. You name him or her whatever you want."

"No, I want you to be a part of this too." Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. I don't know yet.

"Okay...for a girl I like Leah."

"That's really pretty, actually." It really is.

"Cool cool. What do you like for a girl?" He asked.

"Don't make fun of it, I've always liked this name." I hesitated to answer.

"Babe, I won't."

"I like the name Melody but I want to spell it with a D I E not D Y at the end."

"Melodie is really pretty too."

"Which one do you like better?" I asked.

"Melodie, probably." He stuck out his bottom lip in concentration and nodded.

"So Melodie for a girl...what for a bo-?" Jason cut me off.

"Carter. Carter all the way." He immediately said.

"Whoa...slow down." I laughed.

"Sorry," he looked away at the t.v, "what do you like?" He asked.

"I actually love Carter." I smile.

"Perfect. Melodie or Carter." Jason said.

I nodded and we turned our attention back to the t.v but I found it hard to pay attention to what they were saying.

I just discussed baby names with my kidnapper. Wow...my life has taken a drastic change and I just want to see my mom. I want to see her so bad.

She'd be able to help me through all of this. The pregnancy, I mean.

"You know how you won't let me see my mom?" I asked.

Jason looked at me and slightly nodded, "well, if we tell her that I was never kidnapped but I ran away and met you along the way do you think you'd let me?" I asked.

"You've been gone for almost eleven months baby. Don't you think she'll be a little mad?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I just really want to see her. I want to so bad, Jason ." I cried.

I couldn't help myself. I'm the biggest mommy's girl ever. And it's not just that, anyone in my situation would want their parents no matter how old they were or if they even liked their parents or not.

"I know baby, and I hope that one day you will be able to."

"But I'm nineteen, Jason. If I wanted to move out or run away; whatever we decided to tell them, it's not illegal. I'm allowed to do what I want. Yeah, they might be mad but I don't care at this point...I want to see them."

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