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"I can't believe our baby is a month old today," I whined as Jason sat on the couch beside of me feeding Kyler.

"I know," he sighed and slowly shook his head.

"I don't want him to grow up," I watched as he sat Kyler up and burped him.

"But it's a good thing," Jason pointed out.

"I know," I frowned.

"It'll be okay baby," Jason chuckled, "we'll have plenty more."

"You mean that?" I whispered.

"Yes I mean that," he laughed and nodded his head.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked right back.

"I mean how many kids do you want. Say a number and I'll give it to you."

"Hm...ten kids?" I tested his limits.

His eyes got all big and he stopped patting Kyler's back, "uh-mm...baby...I-I- I'm not sure-"

"I'm just kidding!" I fell over laughing. I was out of breath from laughing so loud.

"Good...not over six," he sighed.

"Good 'cuz I only want five," I informed.

"Oh, good," he continued burping Kyler.

"How many do you want?" I asked. I want to consider how he feels too.

"Before you came along...maybe two or three but now that I'm with you I want as much as I can handle," he answered.

"Oh...good," I smiled and grabbed Kyler's small hand.

"All done!" Jason cheered after some time.

"Is he all done?" I asked.

"Yep," he cheered, "say I finished my bottle mommy!"

"Did you eat your bottle all gone like a big boy?!" I clapped my hands together and cheered.

"Yes you did! Yes you did!" And for the first time ever, Kyler smiled.

"He smiled baby! Did you see his smile?" I sat up and grabbed Kyler and sat him up on my knee; still supporting his head.

"I saw. He has your smile," Jason's smile reached his ears.

"It was so adorable!"

"Okay so I think I may have a job," I lied down in the bed next to Jason.

"Really?" He asked and set his phone down before plugging it in and turning towards me.

"Yeah. It usually requires four years of college but according to the school board I only need to do online classes for about a month and I'll be all set."

"What will you be doing?" He asked.

"I'll be a junior teacher," I said, a sly smile forming in my face.

"Baby that's great!" Jason cheered and gave me a side hug.

"I love you," I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you too," he smiled before hovering over me and stripping me from my cloths, "I've missed sex."

"Okay, can you take care of Kyler for an hour or so while I do my online class?" I asked Jason as I finished putting Kyler's diaper on him.

I slipped his socks and pants on before a little red shirt and Jason hugged me from behind, "of coarse." He whispered.

"Thank you," I smiled and handed the baby to him before heading towards the computer room to log into the account the school board had made for me.

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