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Sitting in the bed staring at the blank wall I think of all the things I could be doing right now.

I could be at school and socialize with my friends and everybody around. I could talk to Britney about guys that we had a crush on.

Britney was my best friend. We did everything together.

"No way! You did not?" I asked as I looked at her in amazement.

"I totally did and it was so romantic!" She gushed about her and her boyfriend.

"He was so sweet. He stopped every once and while and asked if I was doing okay. He's so caring."

Just the night before she lost her virginity to her boyfriend of nine months.

"That's so sweet, awe!"

Smiling at the memory, I didn't notice Jason had walked in.

"The fence to the back yard was just put in. Do you wanna swim?" He asked.

I slowly look up at him and put on the fakest smile I could muster, "thanks but I'm fat now."

"Oh, please. There's a baby growing inside of you. If there wasn't you'd be so skinny. You're beautiful, get up."

And for right now...his wish is my command.


I stand up and Jason hands me a black bikini, "can I at least have a one piece so I don't have to show my stomach?"

Jason smirks then his eyes turn into two slits and he glares at me through them, "change. Now."

Huffing, I stomp off to the bathroom and change into my bikini.

Shrieking at the coldness of the pool I step back in caution so I couldn't get wet again.

I slowly stepped forward once again and place the tip of my big toe in the water and slowly slip the rest of my toes in. The water was still really cold.

"C'mon babe." Jason says as he swims to the edge and smiles at me through squinted eyes.

"Jason, let me get use to the water." I say in a warning voice.

I sit down on the edge and put my legs in all the way up to my knees. I slowly start to smile as the water starts to calm me.

"Are you glad I made you come out here now?" Jason asked with a knowing smirk growing in his flawless face.

"Shut up." I mutter.

"Ah, be nice now."

Fuck you.

I really do hate him and it makes me feel mad towards myself because my mom always taught me that hating someone was never an option and that disliking them was more appropriate. But I strongly hate him.

I miss my mom...

Putting my arms behind me, I hoist myself into the water and gasp because my upper body wasn't ready.

"Fuck." I curse.

Jason chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I quickly swing my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Pretend to love him.

"You're lips are turning purple already!" Jason was laughing. His eyes slightly closed and his head held back. This is my first time actually admiring his beauty and man was he beautiful.

For some odd reason, a sudden urge comes over me and I grab Jason's cheeks and pull his lips to mine. This was a lust filled kiss. Nothing but lust but I was okay with it because this moment right now is just...perfect. Completely perfect and I couldn't be happier right now. 

Pulling back, I lie my forehead against his and looked him in the eyes. It's so wrong of me to...even be this close to him. To want to be this close to him.

And in this very moment, I came to the realization that I like him. I like Jason, the guy that brutally beat me and raped me for his pleasure only.

It was so wrong of me.

"I know what you're thinking," he whispers, "but I love you. I want to raise this baby with you. I..I want to have a life with you. You will never fully understand how sorry I am and I will never be able to make it up to you. But please. Please please please give me a chance." He was pleading and I didn't stop him. I listened closely to every word he gave me. I hung on to them and let them slowly sink in.

When I could finally find something reasonable to say I looked in his eyes and gave him a look telling him that what he did was not right an he knows it's not, "you hurt me so bad. You put me through so much pain and...I-I was hurting. I'm not ready to be a mom." I was sobbing now, "but I already love this baby and if something were to happen to it I don't know what I'd do. I would blame myself."

"Shh...I know."

"But you don't know, you don't know the pain I was put through - by you...none of it." I cried.

Jason sighed and looked in my eyes - sincerity written all over his - "everybody has a past."

He's right. Everybody has a past. What was his like?

We climbed out of the pool and made our way inside to change. Jason gave me one of his shirts to sleep in and even though I sort of...maybe a little bit like him, I still don't like wearing his cloths. But I'm used to it by now.

"It felt good to...finally get out of the house for the first time." I said as Jason walked in my room and handed me a brush to brush the tangles out of my hair.

"Probably to get out of this room too," he chuckled.

"Yeah.." I lightly smile.

Jason sat beside me and watched me brush my hair. For some odd reason a sudden urge to sleep with Jason swept across me.

"Jason," I looked up at him," can..can I sleep with you. In your bed, maybe?"

He looked in my eyes and studied them, "of coarse." He lightly smiled.

"Thanks." I let out a puff of air.

"I read online that when girls are pregnant they want to be cuddled at night." Jason smirks.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly chuckle. Everything about this was awkward. Very very very awkward. I don't know if it's just me and I'm making it that way but it is.

"I'm ready," I sighed after I pulled the brush through my hair one last time.

"Leggo then." He smiled and let his sweet side show.

Don't you dare fall for your kidnapper, Emily.

I won't.

Everybody says that. Stockholm Syndrome is a bitch, baby.

Wow...I'm arguing with my freakin' mind now. Just great.

And that night I fell asleep in my kidnappers arms feeling safer than ever.

A:N - I already have chapter 6 written so I might update tomorrow too! 

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