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"Hi," I smiled down at Kyler as he just lied there, "that's all you do," I pouted.

"Hey guys," Jason walked in with only a pair of basketball shorts on and sweat dripping down his body.

"Hi baby," I pecked his lips as he sat down beside of me, "did you have fun at the gym?"

"Yes," he smirked and leaned forward to look at Kyler, "hiii!"

Kyler immediately started kicking his feet and punching the air, "no fair," I pouted.

"What?" Jason chuckled as he held Kyler.

"He just sits there when I talk to him but when you do he's the happiest baby ever," I explained while staring at Kyler.

"Baby when are go gonna realize that he is a daddy's boy?" He smirked while cradling Kyler.

"Never," I muttered and stood up, "what do you want for dinner?"


"That takes forever but okay," I sighed and slowly walked to the kitchen.

"Thank you babyyyyy," Jason drug out.

"Yeah yeah," I smiled to myself

"This is so good baby," Jason moaned as we sat at the kitchen table together.

"Thanks," I smiled and helped myself to another bite.

"This parenting life is so perfect. Not to mention how sexy you look while taking care of Kyler," Jason smirked as he shuffled food into his mouth.

"You look sexy too," I smiled, "but I never saw you as the father type."

"Yeah..." He trailed off.

"So," I sat up and looked at him with an excited look, "I'm gonna start going to the gym so I can lose all of this baby fat."

"That's okay with me," he smiled, "we can go together."

"My parents can watch Kyler while we do," I said.

Jason sighed and shook his head, "yeah..."

"What?" I asked.

"I feel like they're gonna do it how they like. We have him on a routine and everything," his fatherly instincts kicked in.

"I know baby but," I sighed and picked our plates up to take them to the kitchen, "they deserve to see him too."

"I know."

"Come to bed already," Jason groaned as he stood in the door way of the laundry room.

"I have to wash Kyler's cloths," I groaned as I switched them into the dryer.

"Why?" He groaned again.

"Because he's a baby," I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed, "his cloths need to stay clean."

"They can wait one more day."

"I'm done, dude." I sighed and walked out of the room with him.

"Okay," he chuckled and picked me up before carrying me to our room.

"We are not having sex right now," I stated as I walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Damn..." He muttered and lied down feeling defeated.

"Jason, the first bill for the house payment came in."

"This soon?" He asked and grabbed the bill from my hands.

"Babe, do you see how much this is?" He stated in disbelief.

"Yeah...that's what you get when you build a house," I stood there while he looked at me.

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