8 (mature)

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"How about this one?" I pointed to a brick house that had a big yard surrounding it, "or does it look too expensive?"I asked as we drove around from house to house.

We aren't renting a house, we're buying a house. I finally convinced him to buy a house and move down here.

"Whatever you want, I'll get it no matter the price. You know I got it." Jason replied while pulling into the drive way.

"Well I really like this one," I smiled.

We both got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Jason looked in the window and said it looked very spacious.

"Go get the owners number off of the sign and call it. Tell him or her - whatever, to meet us here." I said and handed him my phone.

While he was doing that I kept looking in the windows to see if this house was going to be big enough for our liking. We discussed what we wanted and it's a lot of space. Especially if we're going to have kids.

"He'll be here in a minute," Jason said as he stood next to me.

"It looks big but it depends on how many rooms there is," I murmured.

"Yeah," he said.

Soon we heard the gentle pur of a car rolling into the drive way and tuned around to see a white Mercedes Benz pulling in.

A guy about Jason's height stepped out with a clipboard and walked towards us.

"You must be Mr and Mrs. McCann," he said and stuck his hand out, "I'm Josh."

"Uhm...we're not married," I said as I shook his hand. Jason doing the the same after.

"Oh, my bad. Shall we start looking?"

"Defiantly," I smiled.

When you first walk in it's a big foyer with a coat closet and shelfs to put your shoes.

"This is so nice," I whispered to myself.

We walked through the whole house, loving every little part of it.

"So it's six bedrooms," I stated.

"Yep and two baths."

"What's the price?" I asked.

"Right now it's $40,000.00." He said.

"We'll take it." Jason said right away.

"We will?" I asked looking schocked.

"Do you want it?" He asked.

"Well...yeah." I smiled.

"Then we'll have it," He nodded his head towards Josh.


We filled out all of the paper work and drove back to my parents house. We were free to move in any time we wanted, we're just gonna wait until the moving trucks get here with all of our stuff.

"Okay so...I defiantly need to go to the doctors now that I'm five months." I started a conversation.

"Why?" He furrowed my eyebrows.

"Because I need vitamins that helps the baby grow and I need to make sure it's staying healthy. And I wanna know what we're having."

"You're starting to get curious too?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah." I smiled and put my hand on his thigh.

"Okay. We can set up an appointment." He said.

Two days later our furniture and the rest of our cloths arrived. We also had a doctors appointment set up and everything was falling in to place.

"I can't believe my baby is growing up," My Mom cried as she hugged me. We were getting ready to go to our new house and see if the movers set everything up the way we explained.

"Trust me, I'll be a very very very frequent visator." I laughed.

"Okay honey, I love you." She kissed my cheek before passing me over to my father and giving Jason a hug to.

"We'll come visit when you guys are settled in, sound good?" She asked.

"Mom, we're moving around the block." I stated, "but yeah, that's fine."

We got in the car and I struggled with my stupid seat belt before we drove off.

"I'm so excited," I smiled.

"Me too," He nodded and lifted my hand that he was holding up to his lips before placing a chaste kiss on it.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," and for the first time ever, I actually meant it. I had Stockholm syndrome baaaaad honey boo boo.

When we arrived home, we walked in and inspected the place. It was amazing. Everything was. I am in love.

"Okay, let's go to bed." I sighed as I waddled up the stairs.

"Baby, it's two in the afternoon." Jason laughed as he followed me.

"Pfft, I'm pregnant." I shrugged.

"Okay," he trailed off.

"What?.." I asked as we entered the room. I grabbed a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of sweat pants. I changed into them and looked in the mirror. "Wow, I actually look skinny right now." I laughed.

"You're perfect, baby." Jason smiled.

"I need help going to sleep," I said.

"I know what could work," he smirked.

"Oh, do you now?" I played his game.

"Sure do." He said as he laid me in the bed and stripped me from my cloths. I just wasted thirty seconds getting dressed for nothing.

Soon he was stripped from his cloths and spreading my legs.

"Wait...this position doesn't work, remember?" I reminded him.

"Get o-"

"I'm too lazy to do that again," I stated.

"Then let's make love," he suggested, "spread your legs baby."

Oh shit...we're going to make love? That's intense.

He climbed on top of me and wrapped his arms around my waist before lining himself up at my entrance. Before he entered me he looked up at my face, "look at me baby." He whispered.

We locked eyes right when he started to push himself in and I moaned out. This was...amazing. This is love.

"God baby," Jason's head fell into the crook of my neck as he slowly started to thrust in and out.

"Jason..." I whispered.

"This should have been our first time," he whispered as he looked back at me.

Everything was building up and I closed my eyes to focus on all the pleasure he was bringing to my body.

"Look at me, baby." Jason panted as his thrusting started to get faster. I opened my eyes and they met his right away, "I love you with all of my heart. So...fucking...much." He grunted.

"Jason, oh god, Jason." I panted as my orgasm started to shoot through me.

"Yeah baby. Give me those pussy juices," he whispered.

"Oh god...." I squealed.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he pulled out and lied beside of me.

"Perfect." I smiled up at the ceiling.

"Good," he kissed my shoulder and cuddle me into his arms.

"Get some sleep baby." He said.


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