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"K, let's go," I said as I continued eating my kiwi. We are going to my parents house to tell them the baby's gender and see what they thought about the baby shower.

We hurried into the car and drove one block to my parents; yeah, we're lazy.

I didn't knock when we arrived, I just walked right in and my parents were sitting in the living room all cuddled up on the couch. Can someone say relationship goals?! You never know, maybe my Dad kidnapped my mom and got her pregnant. So...that could be Jason and I in the near future.

"Guys!" I yelled.

"Ah!" They both screamed, "you scared us,"

"Sorry?" I laughed, "but guess what?" I clapped my hands. I'm so excited.

"What?" My Mom smiled.

"He's a boy! Baby carter!" I jumped up and down the best I could without falling. I'm pretty sure my feet didn't even come off the ground. Silly me.

"What? That's amazing!" My dad jumped in. I know he's not happy about the idea of me being pregnant at nineteen but I know for a fact he's happy about having a grandson.

"Do you have middle names yet?" My Mom asked.

"No," I stated and pointed my finger at them, "which we might need help on."

"Gladlyyyyyy," my mom drug out and stood up. "C'mon."

"Mom, calm down," I smiled.

"Sorry," she laughed.

"It's completely fine. I was like that too when we found out," Jason chimed in.

"I'm hungry," I whined, "I want Chinese. Like...sweet and sour chicken with crab ragune."

"I'll get it for you, baby." Jason whispered.

"Thanks," I smiled, "I think the phone book is in the kitchen."

"yeah, it is," my Mom knows.

"Food is here!" My Mom yelled as she opened the door. I sent her and my Dad to go and get it so Jason and I could have some alone time.

"Justin, food!" I hit his arm and jumped up before jogging to the kitchen, "yeeeeees."

"Babe, calm down," Justin laughed as he entered the kitchen behind me,.

"Hey, who wants to rub my feet?" I asked.

"Um...no one," my dad trailed off.

"Oh," I turned around with my food, "fine then."

"JUSTIN STOP! THAT TICKLES!" I yelled as we sat on the couch with my parents on the love seat.

"Why babe?!" He laughed.

He thinks tickling my feet and attacking me in every spot that is sensitive is funny.

"IM GONNA...P-PEE MY PANTS," I laughed and wiggled around.

"Better not," he laughed, "that'd make your Mom mad."

"STOP THEN," I screeched and moved my butt the wrong way which made me fall of the couch, "ah!"

"Babe!" Justin laughed, "are you okay?"

"Ugh..." I groaned and lied back, "hahaha"

"Your laugh is so cute," he suddenly stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"So is yours," I brushed the very tips of my fingers across his jawline, "I love it...so much."

"AWWWE,"my Mom beamed at us.

"Mom," I groaned.

"What?" She laughed, "you guys are so cute!"

"Thank you, Lisa." Jason jumped in and helped me up before we walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed a water out of the fridge and downed the whole thing, "I have to pee."

"Then go," Jason slapped my butt.

"Stop," I laughed and walked to the bathroom.

"Mom!" I yelled as I exited the bathroom.

"What?" She entered the kitchen.

"So...we were thinking about a baby shower?" It came out more like a question.

"That sounds great actually."

"Well...like where would we have it?" I asked.

"You just need to start planning and everything will come together," she said, "and you could have it at your house. It's very apealing."

"Do a lot of people do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" She asked.

"Like, do people throw baby showers at their own home all the time?"

"Of coarse!" She laughed.

"Okay, don't laugh at me," I stated.

"Sorry honey. But yeah, it'd be good to have it at your house." She nodded her head.

"Mamma knows best," Jason pointed out.

"Damn right," she laughed and walked out.

"My Mom likes you," I stated.

"I know ," he smirked.

"Wow," I shook my head and laughed, "you've got her fooled."

"Hey," he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist, "you know I'm sorry for that baby. I just...there's no reason for what I did but I love you."

"And I love you too," I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Jason," I gasped, "look at this one."

We decided to go baby shopping since we know the gender. Everything is so cute and small. I just want him here already.

"Oh wow, that is cute," Jason smiled as we look at a blue sleeper that said mommies boy on it.

"Defiantly getting it," I picked it up an smiled.

"Okay," Jason said and looked at the diapers, wipes, and cloths, "I think we've got enough for now."

"Leggo!" I said and we payed for our things.

A:N - !!!!!!!! Baby carter is almost here guys! Love you,

Xoxo - Alexa

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