14 (mature)

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It's been a week since we've brought Kyler home and everything is perfect. We are a happy, loving family.

Kyler is...perfect. Jason and I know already that he is going to be a spoiled brat but that's okay I guess.

Stepping out of our silver Range Rover, I grab the diaper bag and Jason un-clicks the car seat from the base and we walk towards my parents house.

I open the door without knocking and we head straight for the living room where my parents were sitting, watching t.v.

"Guys!" My mom cheered as her and my dad stood at our presence, "where's my baby boy?"

"Right here but he's sleeping right now," I smiled as Jason sat the car seat down for my parents to admire our creation. Our car seat was just plain black. It fit Kylers looks perfectly.

"You guys did great. I still can't get over his beauty," my dad complemented.

"Yeah," my mom nodded, "he looks just like Jason."

Jason smirked and nudged me with his elbow, "yeah."

"Thank you," I laughed and shook my head towards Jason. He is such a dork. My dork.

"He has your eyes though Emily," my mom said and Jason immediately agreed.

"That's what I love most - that he has her eyes," Jason smiled widely.

"Your guys' love is perfect," my mom complemented.

"Oh god, mooom," I groaned.

A big cry filled the room and my mom looked down at Kyler as he kicked his feet at her.

"Well hi," she smiled and grabbed his small hand with hers, "I missed you, you big boy."

"He's hungry," I sighed and pulled a bottle out of the side of his diaper bag that already had water in it and started putting the formula in it.

"He's still only eating one ounce?" My mom questioned as she fed him.

"Yeah?" I stated as if it were obvious.

"Oh," she said and focused back on him.

"Why?" Jason asked and grabbed my hand.

"Just wondering," she shrugged and burped him before setting him back in his car seat.

"Well...okay?" I looked at Jason with a confused look.

"We're going to head out mom," I smiled and kissed her cheek before grabbing Kyler's diaper bag and Jason grabbed him.

"Bye guys," Jason smiled but I could tell it was fake.

"Bye," they both waved and we drove back to our house.

"What the hell," Jason groaned as he walked out of Kyler's room.


"Your mom. We feed our baby how we want to god dammit," he was clearly mad.

"She's just trying to help, Jason."

"No, she's trying to judge,"

I sighed and nodded, "there's no use for me to try and defend her when that's what she was doing."

"Exactly," he said and striped himself from his clothing before putting grey sweats on, "I'm gonna call and ask Ryan to come over."

"Who?" I asked and changed into one of Jason's shirts.

"My best friend. You haven't met him yet?"

Shaking my head no, I brush my hair and teeth before wrapping myself in a blanket on the couch down stairs.

"He said he's excited to see Kyler," Jason smiled down at his phone.

"I'm excited for him to see him too," I smiled and looked through the channels on t.v before settling on I Am Cait.

"All of that transgender shit is weird," Jason commented.

"Shut up!" I gasped, "she looks perfect."

"She is a boy," Jason smirked.

"Noo," I sighed, "she is a girl. Show some respect."

"It's nice to meet you," Ryan shook my hand, "Jason talks about you all of the time."

"Dude," Jason coughed.

"Oh does he now?" I smirked and looked at Jason.

"No," he glared.

"Where is yo baby?" Ryan clapped his hands together.

"Oh, he's sleeping right now but he'll be hungry soon," I smiled and led him to the living room.

"Are you guys hungry or anything?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine." They both said.

"Okay," I smiled and walked upstairs to check on Kyler. He was still sleeping like a baby.

"Bye Ryan," Jason said again, "I'm sorry our baby is such a lazy ass and didn't wake up for you."

"It's fine. I'll come back some other time," Ryan chuckled before getting in his car and driving off.

"Come here," Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me up stairs.

"What is it?" I giggled as I trailed close behind him.

"There's the baby monitor. If Kyler wakes up we'll know. Now, let's have sex."

"Whoa whoa whoa," I put my hands out in front of me, "I'm still a little sore."

"I'll be gentle baby," Jason's voice was now raspy and he picked me up before throwing me on the bed.

"Okay," I giggled.

"Fuck Jason," I moaned as he hovered over me, sweat dripping from the bridge of his nose onto my abdomen.

"Yeah baby. Did you miss this?" He asked and picked up his speed.

"So much," my voice sounded like a desperate plea.

"Yeah. Me too baby," he moaned and bit down on my ear lobe.

Suddenly a loud cry filled the room and Jason immediately stopped before rolling over and rubbing his hands over his face in frustration.

Huffing, I stood up and put his shirt over my body before heading towards Kyler's room.

"What's wrong, baby boy?" I asked as I entered his room.

He was still crying and I knew he wasn't hungry. His diaper didn't need changed and he wasn't hot or cold. What's wrong?

I picked him up and tried to cradle him and rock him but nothing was working.

Finally giving up, I walk to our room to see it was empty. What?

"Jason?" I called out and turned to my left to see that the bathroom door was closed.

I inched towards it and opened the door before gasping and turning around.

"What?" He groaned.

"were you seriously just masturbating?" I asked in dis belief.

"What else was I suppose to do?" He asked and quickly washed his hands.

"I don't know but that's really not fair that you get to get off and I don't," I said and turned back around.

"Well..." He shrugged, "why is he crying?" He asked.

"He won't stop. He's not hungry, he doesn't need his diaper changed. I don't know what to do," I explained.

"Lemme see him," he made grabby hands and took him from me before cradling him back and forth.

"I already tried that. It didn't work-"

I stopped dead in my sentence and stared at Jason's smirking figure. He seriously just got Kyler to sleep by doing exactly what I did?

"He just wanted his daddy."

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