Chapter 25: Celestia's Burden

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                      Celestia lay quietly under the thick canopy of the Everfree Forest, the dense leaves blocking out most of the sunlight. The air was cool, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and moss. She had been on the run for days now, barely able to sleep, her mind whirling with the gravity of what had transpired. The bandits who had freed her were scattered around their makeshift camp, either keeping watch or resting. Despite their rough appearances and questionable motives, they had shown her a surprising amount of respect since her escape from the island prison.

But Celestia's heart was heavy with a sense of looming dread. How had it come to this? She had once been the beloved princess of Canterlot, standing proudly alongside her parents. Now she was branded a terrorist, a fugitive in her own kingdom. Her own father, King Cosmos, had ordered her capture—perhaps even worse. The weight of his betrayal cut deep, and though her determination was strong, the sadness lingered in her chest, dull and constant.

As the bandits tended to their camp, Celestia sat apart, her thoughts far from the immediate surroundings. She could hardly bring herself to focus on what would come next. The betrayal of her father, the escalating political unrest, and the deep divisions within the kingdom all swirled through her mind. She had escaped, yes, but to what end? Was she truly safe?

Her captors had intended to break her out for their own reasons—reasons she had yet to fully understand. And though they hadn't harmed her, she sensed a deeper scheme at play. They were using her, just as many others likely would if she remained in hiding. This was not the life she had envisioned for herself. She wasn't supposed to be a pawn in some grand political game.

Even now, the forest provided no sanctuary for her soul. The isolation gave her too much time to think, and with each passing hour, she felt the distance between herself and her family grow wider. Her mother, Galaxia, and her sister, Luna—how were they coping with all of this? They couldn't possibly agree with Cosmos' decision to exile her. Luna had always been her confidante, her partner in ruling. Surely Luna would understand. Or had she been swayed by Cosmos' overbearing authority?

Celestia sighed deeply, her gaze drifting over the camp. One of the bandits, a mare with a tattered cloak and a scar over one eye, approached her cautiously. The mare's name was Dagger, a name fitting for the sharp, calculated way she moved and spoke. Despite her rough exterior, there was a certain sincerity to Dagger that Celestia couldn't ignore.

"You're awfully quiet, Princess," Dagger said, sitting down beside Celestia. "We've gotten you out, and now you're free. Isn't this what you wanted?"

Celestia stared into the trees, her voice soft. "I didn't want any of this," she admitted. "Freedom, yes... but not like this. Not at the cost of my family, my kingdom. This isn't the way it was supposed to be."

Dagger cocked her head, her scarred face showing a rare flash of curiosity. "What did you expect? You were locked away on that island for months, and your father's not exactly winning any hearts back in Canterlot. People are angry. The kingdom's on the verge of tearing itself apart. You're better off out here."

Celestia shook her head. "Better off out here? No. I was exiled, Dagger. My own father branded me a threat to the very kingdom I swore to protect. I don't want to run, to hide. I want to reconcile, to restore the peace that once held Canterlot together. My sister... she still believes in me. I know it."

Dagger snorted softly, a flicker of amusement crossing her face. "Reconcile? With Cosmos? That's a pretty dangerous dream, Princess. He's not exactly known for his forgiving nature, is he? Besides, you're on his hit list now. He's not going to just welcome you back with open hooves."

Celestia frowned, her heart heavy. Dagger was right, of course. Her father's rage had reached a fever pitch, and he was now beyond reason. But deep down, Celestia still clung to the hope that perhaps Galaxia, her mother, could temper his fury. And Luna—Luna was the key. Luna had always been level-headed, pragmatic. If Celestia could just get a message to her, convince her that this madness needed to end, maybe, just maybe, they could save the kingdom from further ruin.

"I know my father isn't the same as he once was," Celestia murmured, her eyes clouded with sorrow. "But I have to believe there's still a chance for peace. If I don't, then all hope is lost. My sister, Luna, she would help me. She must be struggling with all of this too. She's the only one who can stand between my father and total destruction."

Dagger shrugged, her expression softening slightly. "Maybe you're right. Maybe your sister will come through. But what if she doesn't? What if the military finds you first? They're already combing the kingdom for any sign of you."

Celestia shuddered at the thought. "I know the risks. But I won't let them capture me again. I won't let this end in violence."

Dagger studied her for a moment before rising to her hooves. "You've got guts, Princess. I'll give you that. But just remember, out here in the wilds, guts don't always get you very far. You'll need a plan. And soon."

Celestia watched Dagger walk away, her heart pounding with the weight of her decision. She couldn't let the fear of her father's wrath paralyze her. She had to find a way to reach Luna and Galaxia, to stop the madness that was consuming the kingdom. But she also knew that time was running out. The military was closing in, and if she didn't act quickly, all hope for peace would be lost.

As the moon began to rise over the Everfree Forest, casting long shadows across the camp, Celestia made her decision. She would not let herself be hunted like an animal. She would not let her father's madness destroy everything she held dear.

Tomorrow, she would begin planning her next move. Whether by diplomacy, strategy, or sheer determination, she would find a way to reunite her family and restore peace to the Kingdom of Canterlot.

Princess Celestia: The Fall of Canterlot (MLP AU)Where stories live. Discover now