Chapter 65: The Unraveling Truth

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                     The dim light of the dungeon flickered as the heavy door creaked open, allowing a shaft of light to spill into the otherwise shadowy space. Elysian looked up, squinting against the brightness as King Cosmos and Prime Minister Varen stepped inside. The atmosphere was tense, filled with the weight of unspoken accusations.

"Elysian," King Cosmos began, his voice steady but laced with authority, "you've been brought here under serious charges. Your actions have put the kingdom at risk, and we need answers."

Elysian's heart raced as he sat up straighter, determination and fear battling within him. "I won't betray Galaxia or anyone else for that matter," he replied defiantly.

Varen exchanged a glance with Cosmos, his expression unreadable. "We're not here to extract a confession through torture or threats," he said, his tone calm and diplomatic. "But we must understand your intentions."

"Intentions?" Elysian scoffed, shaking his head. "My intentions are my own. I am not a pawn for you to manipulate."

"Perhaps," Cosmos interjected, stepping closer. "But you are a prisoner of this kingdom. And right now, you hold valuable information that could protect us all from Obsidian Crest's schemes."

Elysian's resolve faltered as he looked into the eyes of the king. He could see the genuine concern etched on Cosmos' face, and for a brief moment, he felt the weight of the kingdom's burdens pressing down on him. "I'm no traitor," he insisted, his voice wavering slightly.

"Then prove it," Varen urged. "Tell us what you know. We can help you."

Elysian swallowed hard, torn between his loyalty to Galaxia and the desperation of the situation. "I... I can't," he murmured, glancing away. "Obsidian will have my head if I reveal anything."

"Then you are choosing to side with a traitor," Cosmos stated firmly. "Is that what you want? To die for him?"

At the mention of death, Elysian felt a chill run through him. The reality of his predicament hit him like a ton of bricks. "I don't want to die," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't betray Galaxia. I love her."

"Love has its limits," Varen replied softly, yet his words felt heavy. "You may think you're protecting her, but your silence endangers everyone, including her."

Elysian closed his eyes, battling the turmoil within. "I was sent to infiltrate the palace," he confessed, the truth slipping out like a breath he had been holding for far too long. "I was to gather information for Obsidian, to undermine the royal family from within."

Cosmos and Varen exchanged a look, their expressions shifting from suspicion to shock. "You admit to being a spy?" Cosmos pressed, a mix of disappointment and concern swirling in his gaze.

"Yes," Elysian replied, his heart pounding in his chest. "But it wasn't supposed to end like this. I didn't want to harm anyone; I just... wanted to be close to Galaxia. I thought I could change things from the inside."

Varen narrowed his eyes, pressing forward. "And what did you discover? What does Obsidian plan?"

Elysian hesitated, the gravity of his betrayal weighing heavily on him. "I learned about the festival, how you planned to unite the kingdom. Obsidian wanted to use that to turn public opinion against you—create chaos during what was supposed to be a celebration."

Cosmos' expression hardened. "You've put our entire plan at risk. And now, with your confession, you've sealed your fate."

"I understand," Elysian replied, tears welling in his eyes. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I thought I could protect Galaxia by being close to her, but now it's too late."

Varen took a step back, contemplating the implications of Elysian's words. "You know that aiding a traitor carries a death sentence in this kingdom," he said quietly. "Do you understand the severity of what you've done?"

Elysian nodded slowly, the reality crashing down on him. "I do. But please, I beg you, don't hurt Galaxia. She has nothing to do with my actions. Let her go; she deserves a chance at happiness."

King Cosmos stepped forward, his expression unreadable. "You've put her at risk by your actions. This is not just about you anymore, Elysian."

"I know," Elysian whispered, his voice cracking. "I just wanted to love her."

As silence enveloped the room, Cosmos pondered the weight of Elysian's confession. This was a pivotal moment for the kingdom. A traitor stood before him, but within that betrayal was a confession that could either save them or plunge them deeper into chaos.

"Your love for Galaxia has led you here, but your actions have consequences," Cosmos finally said. "You will face trial for your treachery, but I will ensure Galaxia is protected. She deserves the truth."

With that, Cosmos turned on his heel, signaling Varen to follow him out of the dungeon. Elysian watched as the light faded once more, leaving him in the cold darkness of his cell, a heavy weight pressing down on him. He had confessed, but at what cost?

As he sat alone, the reality of his situation set in. He had put everything on the line for love, yet love had brought him nothing but heartache and impending doom. He could only hope that Galaxia would understand, that in the end, he had acted out of love—even if it was misguided.

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