Chapter 82: Preparing the Farewell

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                   The early morning light bathed Canterlot in a muted glow as Celestia, Luna, and Orion gathered in the royal planning chambers to organize the upcoming funeral for King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia. Despite the enormity of the task, Celestia's focus was unwavering. She was determined to honor her parents' memory with a farewell worthy of their legacy, yet her heart felt heavier with each detail.

The chamber was quiet, a stark contrast to its usual bustling activity. Only a handful of trusted advisors and dignitaries were present, ready to assist the royal siblings as they began to outline the details of the solemn event. A large, intricate map of Canterlot lay spread across the table, covered with notes, diagrams, and small tokens representing different ceremonial elements.

"We'll start at the palace gates," Celestia began, her voice firm yet tinged with a somber gentleness. "The procession will lead through the main streets of Canterlot, past the places they cherished most." She pointed to the grand avenue that stretched from the castle down to the heart of the city. "Here, they'll be honored by the citizens, giving everyone a chance to pay their respects."

Luna looked at the map, nodding in agreement. "And the gardens—Father loved them. We could arrange for a moment of silence there." She placed a hoof on the marker near the castle's gardens, remembering the times their father would walk through them, speaking of the peace he found among the blooming flowers.

Orion, who had been listening intently, finally spoke. "Mother always admired the mountains beyond the city. We should have the final rites near their peaks, where the sun and moon meet the horizon," he suggested, his voice steady but reflective.

Celestia gave him a small nod. "Yes. They deserve to rest where Canterlot can always see them, as if they're still watching over us. And perhaps," she added quietly, "this will remind everyone that their legacy lives on in the skies above."

As they continued to map out the day, more details emerged. They decided that the royal guard would lead the procession, their uniforms adorned with the family crest as a final tribute to the king and queen they had served so loyally. Citizens of Canterlot would be permitted to line the streets, holding candles and flowers, creating a path of light and tribute. At each of these symbolic places, a short stop would allow for moments of reflection, prayers, and memories shared between the people and their departed rulers.

The advisors suggested various ceremonial rites, from a traditional blessing by the high priest to the ancient songs of the kingdom sung by the royal choir. Each element was chosen with care, and as the hours passed, the day took shape in Celestia's mind, each detail a reminder of the lives her parents had lived.

"We'll need to select their ceremonial attire," Luna added, her voice breaking slightly. "Mother would want something elegant, like the gown she wore for the kingdom's anniversary."

Orion placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder, understanding her struggle. "They'll be remembered in everything they wore, in every flower we place, and in every moment we share with the kingdom." He looked at both his sisters with a supportive smile, the unity between them unspoken yet profoundly felt.

As the planning drew to a close, Celestia stood back and looked at the layout they had created. Every decision carried a weight of significance, each choice a testament to their love for their parents. She took a deep breath, her heart brimming with both sorrow and pride. The funeral procession was not merely an obligation—it was an expression of their devotion and an opportunity for Canterlot to say farewell.

Celestia turned to Luna and Orion, her eyes glistening. "This is as much for the kingdom as it is for us. They loved this land, and in return, the people loved them deeply. Let's make sure that love is felt on this day."

Both nodded, feeling the impact of her words resonate within them. Together, they would honor their parents not just as rulers but as family, remembered and cherished by all who had been touched by their presence.

In a bittersweet silence, they left the planning chamber, prepared to face the days ahead with grace, reverence, and unity, knowing that, in their farewell, the legacy of Cosmos and Galaxia would live on in the hearts of Canterlot.

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