Chapter 83: The Final Farewell

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                  The dawn of the funeral day broke with a quiet solemnity over Canterlot. The city lay cloaked in a misty silence, as if the very skies were mourning alongside the kingdom. Citizens lined the streets, dressed in shades of white and silver as symbols of remembrance, each holding a small candle or flower in honor of their fallen king and queen. The day had come to give Cosmos and Galaxia a final farewell, and all of Canterlot had gathered to bear witness.

The royal family, now led by Celestia in her role as queen, stood at the grand palace gates, prepared for the solemn march through the heart of the city. Luna and Orion flanked her sides, dressed in traditional royal mourning attire, their expressions calm yet heavy with grief. The royal guards formed a line in front of them, their armor polished to a gleam, each carrying a ceremonial lance tipped with silver—a final tribute to the rulers they had served faithfully.

As the procession began, a deep, resonant drumbeat filled the air, the rhythm slow and steady, echoing across the streets. Each beat carried the weight of the kingdom's sorrow, an unspoken reminder of the legacy Cosmos and Galaxia had left behind. The royal caskets, draped in white and adorned with golden crests, were carried by the guards, and Celestia felt her heart tighten as they moved forward.

The procession passed by Canterlot's most cherished landmarks—the royal gardens, where Cosmos found his moments of peace; the central square, where Galaxia often walked among her people. Each place represented a part of them, fragments of their lives left for the kingdom to remember. Citizens bowed their heads as the caskets passed, their faces reflecting sadness and respect. Some whispered words of farewell, while others let tears fall freely, mourning the loss of rulers they had deeply admired.

At the royal gardens, the procession paused, allowing the crowd a moment to reflect in silence. A soft breeze stirred the air, carrying the faint scent of roses and lavender, flowers Galaxia had cherished. In this moment, Celestia closed her eyes, letting memories of her mother fill her heart—moments of kindness, her laughter, her wisdom. Luna placed a hoof over her sister's in silent support, sharing in the bittersweet memories.

They continued down the main avenue, leading toward the mountain overlook, the final resting place chosen for the king and queen. The choir began a hymn, their voices filling the air with a haunting, beautiful melody that spoke of love, loss, and hope. The words flowed over the crowd like a river, resonating with each soul gathered in the city. Celestia felt tears prick her eyes but held her head high, resolved to stay strong for her people, for her family.

As they reached the overlook, an altar had been prepared, draped in woven silks and surrounded by freshly cut flowers. The high priest stood ready, waiting to lead the final rites. Celestia, Luna, and Orion stepped forward, each laying a wreath of white lilies at the altar in tribute to their parents. Celestia felt her heart heavy but also strangely uplifted, knowing that this final ceremony was a celebration of lives that had touched so many.

The high priest raised his hooves, calling for silence. The crowd stilled, their faces turned toward the altar as the priest recited the final blessings. His words, ancient and profound, echoed over the mountains and into the valleys beyond, binding the kingdom together in a shared moment of loss. Celestia's gaze swept over the crowd, seeing the faces of her people, each one a living testament to the impact Cosmos and Galaxia had made. Their love, their dedication, their sacrifices—they would not be forgotten.

As the final words of the blessing faded, the sun broke through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the city. It was as if the heavens themselves were honoring the king and queen, welcoming them to their rest. The royal caskets were lowered gently into their resting places, marked by two grand stones engraved with the royal family's crest.

Celestia, Luna, and Orion stepped forward, each saying their final farewells. The words were soft, private, and filled with love. As the crowd bowed their heads one last time, Celestia felt a surge of pride and sadness mix within her. Today was an ending, but also a beginning. She would honor her parents by leading with the same strength, compassion, and vision that they had shown her.

As the procession concluded, the kingdom knew that, though they had lost their beloved king and queen, their legacy would live on in the hearts of their children, and in every corner of Canterlot. With a final bow, the crowd dispersed, leaving the royal family alone to bid their personal farewells.

In the quiet that followed, Celestia looked to the horizon, feeling both the weight of the past and the promise of the future. Her parents had left a powerful legacy, and she was ready to continue their work, her heart filled with their guiding light.

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