Chapter 14: The Unlikely Prisoner

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                                The tension within the walls of Canterlot Palace had reached a boiling point. Rumors of Celestia's escape spread like wildfire, fueling an already restless populace. King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia were unyielding in their resolve, branding their daughter a fugitive, a traitor to the crown. They fortified their rule with the support of their newly reshuffled cabinet, tightening their grip on every corner of the kingdom.

But amid this chaos, a surprising development emerged.

Obsidian Crest, now shackled in magical restraints and held in a containment cell deep within the palace, had spent days in quiet contemplation. His once fiery rebellion had simmered down, his mind occupied by thoughts of a different path—a path he never would have considered just weeks before. As he sat in his cell, staring at the cold, stone walls, he realized something profound: the rebellion, for all its passion and fury, would never succeed without an avenue for dialogue.

Celestia had been gone too long, and with her departure, the balance had been lost. He understood now that a full-scale uprising would lead only to bloodshed, and the kingdom would fall into ruin. It was not the way forward, not if peace was the ultimate goal. And so, with great reluctance, he came to a decision that startled even himself.

Obsidian Crest would surrender—not as a coward or traitor—but as a symbol of peace.

Summoning the royal guards, Obsidian demanded an audience with King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia. The guards exchanged wary glances, skeptical of his intentions, but the gravity of the situation left them with no choice. Soon, word of Obsidian's request reached the royal chambers, and an immediate meeting was arranged.

In the grand throne room, King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia stood side by side, their faces stern and unreadable. The air was thick with tension as Obsidian Crest, still bound by magical restraints, was escorted into their presence. He walked with dignity, his head held high despite the chains that clinked with every step.

"You dare summon us?" Cosmos' voice was cold, laced with barely concealed disdain. "After all your treachery?"

Obsidian met his gaze with a calm expression, a stark contrast to the fiery revolutionary he had been before. "I come not to provoke more conflict, Your Majesty," he said, his voice steady. "I come to offer peace."

Galaxia's eyes narrowed, suspicion evident in her gaze. "Peace? You, who have led countless insurrections, who have sought to tear our kingdom apart—now you speak of peace?"

Obsidian Crest nodded. "Yes. I see now that continuing this war will only bring devastation to Canterlot. Your kingdom and your reign—flawed as they may be—are still what holds the nation together. But you cannot expect the citizens to continue living under such oppression without consequence. There must be a middle ground, and I offer myself as the first step toward that."

Cosmos regarded him with skepticism, though there was a flicker of interest in his eyes. "And what is this offer, Obsidian?"

Obsidian Crest took a deep breath. "I ask to be exiled—no longer in the dungeons of your palace, but to the very island prison where you held Princess Celestia. Let me reside there, in isolation, as a symbol that even your most vocal adversary is willing to submit in the name of peace."

The silence that followed was deafening. Galaxia's wings flared slightly, her disbelief palpable. "You wish to imprison yourself?"

"I wish for a chance to reflect, and to show that peace can be achieved through voluntary submission rather than force. By doing this, I hope to quell the unrest among my followers. They will see that I am no longer pursuing violence, and they may stand down. It is not a victory I offer you, but a chance to heal this fractured kingdom."

Cosmos paced slowly in front of the throne, deep in thought. His eyes never left Obsidian Crest, weighing the sincerity of the offer. "And how do we know this is not a ploy? A way to buy time while your allies regroup?"

Obsidian shook his head. "I no longer wish for war. The only victory I seek now is peace, no matter the personal cost."

Galaxia's gaze softened, though only slightly. "And why the island prison? Why not remain here under guard, as you are now?"

"There is power in symbols," Obsidian replied. "The island prison is where your daughter, Celestia, was held. By choosing to reside there, I am showing the kingdom that I no longer see myself as a rival to your throne. I will be removed from public life, just as she was. And in doing so, perhaps some of the tension that has built up in this kingdom will begin to ease."

Cosmos stopped pacing, turning to face him fully. His expression was unreadable, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—perhaps the slightest glimmer of understanding. He exchanged a glance with Galaxia, who nodded subtly.

"Very well," Cosmos said at last, his voice measured. "We will consider your request. But understand this, Obsidian Crest—if you are lying, if this is some ploy to undermine our rule, the consequences will be swift and unforgiving."

Obsidian bowed his head slightly. "I understand, Your Majesty."

With a wave of Cosmos' hoof, the guards stepped forward, escorting Obsidian Crest out of the throne room and back to his cell. As he was led away, a strange sense of calm settled over him. For the first time in a long while, Obsidian Crest felt as though he was finally making the right choice—not just for himself, but for Canterlot.

Back in the throne room, Cosmos and Galaxia remained silent for a moment, both lost in thought. Finally, Galaxia spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Do you believe him?"

Cosmos let out a long breath. "I don't know. But if his offer is genuine, it might be our best chance to quell the unrest before it spirals further out of control."

Galaxia nodded, though doubt lingered in her heart. "And what of Celestia? If Obsidian Crest takes her place on the prison island, what does that mean for our daughter?"

Cosmos' gaze darkened. "We deal with one threat at a time. Celestia's day will come. But for now... let us see how far this peace offer can take us."

Princess Celestia: The Fall of Canterlot (MLP AU)Where stories live. Discover now