Chapter 87: A Concert of Chaos

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                          The day following Celestia's coronation was set to be just as festive, with a massive concert organized in the heart of Canterlot for every citizen to enjoy. Music, performances, and speeches had been planned to uplift the kingdom's spirits and show gratitude for the support that had ushered in Celestia's rule. The event was scheduled to be the grand finale of the coronation celebrations, a gathering meant to unify the kingdom under a banner of peace and joy.

The square overflowed with ponies who had traveled from all corners of the kingdom, eager to partake in the concert. Vendors set up along the streets sold treats and souvenirs, and families gathered on blankets to enjoy the spectacle. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as Celestia's voice echoed from the stage, welcoming her subjects and expressing her heartfelt gratitude for their support.

The music began, a soft orchestral melody filling the square, and was soon followed by a stirring chorus that brought joy to every ear. Celestia felt her heart swell with happiness as she watched her subjects enjoying themselves, her vision of a harmonious kingdom coming to life.

But as the concert continued, a shift in the air began to ripple through the crowd. Ponies near the stage started to push forward, straining for a better view as the music reached its crescendo. More and more bodies pressed toward the front, as the excitement turned into an overwhelming urge to get closer. Young ponies climbed onto shoulders, parents held their foals close, and a few vendors attempted to move their carts as the space became increasingly tight.

Celestia, standing on the stage, noticed the crowd's energy but was unaware of the rising danger. The musicians were in full swing, and the music boomed louder than before. Yet as it intensified, so did the pressure within the crowd, with ponies pushing and shoving, trying to move in any direction that would give them room to breathe. Panic began to set in as the tightly packed crowd started to surge, moving in waves that made it difficult for anypony to escape the throng.

Then, a single scream rang out. One pony tripped and fell, then another. Within moments, the square erupted into chaos as the sheer weight of the crowd bore down, collapsing onto those who had fallen. Ponies cried out in fear, their voices swallowed by the suffocating press of bodies. The wave of panic spread as ponies struggled to escape, only to be crushed by the relentless force of the stampede.

Celestia's heart sank as she watched the scene unfold from the stage, horror washing over her. Guards scrambled to restore order, but the scale of the panic was overwhelming. The air was filled with dust, screams, and the desperate cries of those trapped in the fray. Several guards dove into the crowd, trying to lift those who had fallen, while others shouted commands, attempting to create an escape route.

When the dust finally settled, the aftermath was devastating. Hundreds lay injured across the square, while more than 2,000 ponies had lost their lives in the tragic stampede. The festive decorations, now tattered and stained, hung limply in the oppressive silence that followed. Celestia, stricken and heartbroken, ordered the medics and guards to tend to every injured pony as she herself went to assist in the efforts, devastated by the tragedy that had marred her coronation celebrations.

News of the calamity spread quickly throughout the kingdom, and shock soon gave way to anger among the citizens. Questions arose about the planning and security measures of the concert, and whispers of blame started circulating. The image of harmony that Celestia had hoped to create was now overshadowed by grief, as public faith in the new queen began to waver.

Far from the turmoil of Canterlot, Obsidian Crest received the news of the tragic incident. A sly smile crept across his face as he realized the golden opportunity before him. The kingdom, weakened and mourning, would be vulnerable to the seeds of dissent he planned to sow. If he acted quickly, he could rally those dissatisfied with Celestia's rule, using the concert tragedy as proof of her incompetence and inability to lead.

Obsidian immediately summoned his advisors and closest allies, strategizing ways to use this misfortune to his advantage. His voice was low and sinister as he addressed his followers, speaking of justice for the fallen and the need for a strong, capable leader who could prevent future disasters. His words were carefully crafted to stoke fear and resentment among the citizens, planting the notion that under his rule, such a tragedy would never have occurred.

As the night drew on, Obsidian's plans took shape. He would make his move, sending emissaries into Canterlot to stir unrest and gather support. The death of thousands had cast a shadow over Celestia's reign, and Obsidian was determined to fan the flames of discontent until the kingdom was ripe for his takeover.

In Canterlot, Celestia, Luna, and Orion gathered in silence, the weight of the tragedy settling over them. The days ahead would be challenging, and they knew that the support of their people hung in the balance. Celestia silently vowed to do everything in her power to restore their faith, even as a storm of political upheaval loomed on the horizon.

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