Chapter 34: Broken Bridges

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                  Celestia stood in the royal throne room, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility. The supposed negotiations she had been pushing for—an opportunity for peace between the crown and Obsidian Crest's faction—had just been delivered a fatal blow. She had hoped that despite everything, there was still a way to reconcile, to bring the rebels back from the brink and avoid further bloodshed. But all her efforts seemed to crumble before her.

A messenger had just informed the court that Obsidian Crest and his allies had fled deep into the farthest reaches of the kingdom. They had fortified themselves in a distant, hidden location, beyond the easy reach of the royal army, signaling that they had no intention of sitting down for negotiations or talks. It was a blatant rejection of everything Celestia had hoped to achieve.

Celestia took a deep breath, her eyes drifting to the high ceilings of the throne room. The stained glass windows depicting ancient victories and peaceful eras felt mocking now, as if reminding her that peace was a fragile thing, so easily shattered by pride, ambition, and fear.

Galaxia, standing beside her daughter, gently touched Celestia's shoulder. "They were never going to agree to talks, Celestia. Obsidian Crest has been planning this for too long. His hatred for Cosmos runs too deep."

Celestia looked up at her mother, trying to keep her voice steady. "I know, Mother, but I had to try. I hoped... I believed that maybe, with enough reason, they would see that this conflict isn't worth the suffering of our subjects."

King Cosmos, standing near his throne, was less patient. He had listened to the messenger's report in silence, his jaw clenched, his wings slightly flared in frustration. He had never been a fan of Celestia's idea to try and negotiate with the rebels, and now, it seemed his instincts had been right.

"This was always a fool's errand," Cosmos growled, his voice echoing through the throne room. "Obsidian Crest has made his choice. He's gone into hiding, preparing for war. He doesn't want peace; he wants power."

Luna, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "Father, we can't just give up on peace. We have to at least consider every option before we plunge the kingdom into full-scale conflict. Celestia's right—negotiation is still preferable to war."

Cosmos shook his head. "No, Luna. We're past that now. Obsidian and his allies are cowards, hiding in some far-off corner of the kingdom, biding their time to strike when they think we're weak. There will be no more negotiations."

Orion, standing beside Luna, nodded solemnly. "He's fortified his position. Sending an envoy now would be pointless. He's made it clear he wants to fight."

Celestia's heart sank further. She had known that Obsidian was stubborn, but she hadn't expected him to go this far. "Do we know where they've gone?" she asked, her voice tinged with a quiet desperation.

One of the royal advisors, a unicorn named Silvermane, stepped forward. "Yes, Your Highness. Our scouts have identified their hideout in the southern mountains, near the border of the kingdom. It's a remote and harsh area, well-suited for hiding, and difficult for our forces to reach without significant preparation."

Cosmos narrowed his eyes. "They've made their move, then. We can't allow them to sit there, gathering strength and plotting their next attack. We need to strike before they have the chance."

Galaxia, ever the voice of reason, interjected. "We need to be careful, Cosmos. A full-scale assault could lead to more casualties than we can afford. Obsidian may be planning to draw us into a battle on his terms, and that could be disastrous."

Cosmos's eyes flashed with anger. "And what would you suggest? That we wait? Let them gather more followers, more weapons, while we sit here doing nothing?"

Galaxia held his gaze, unflinching. "I suggest we move wisely, not rashly. We need a plan—one that doesn't play into Obsidian's hooves."

Celestia watched her parents argue, feeling a growing sense of dread. The kingdom was already on the verge of division, and now this. She couldn't shake the feeling that every step they took seemed to be leading them deeper into the jaws of conflict. She had always believed in diplomacy, in the power of words to heal, but it seemed that belief was being tested beyond its limits.

Luna, sensing her sister's distress, approached her quietly. "We'll figure this out, Celestia," she said softly. "We always do."

Celestia managed a faint smile, but the weight in her heart remained. "I'm not so sure this time, Luna. Obsidian is determined. He's not just fighting for power—he believes he's right. How do you reason with somepony who's convinced they're the hero of their own story?"

Luna sighed. "You can't. Sometimes... sometimes the only way to stop a war is to win it."

That was the reality Celestia didn't want to accept. Winning a war meant loss, meant lives destroyed, meant a kingdom torn apart. But it seemed that war was becoming inevitable.

As the royal family gathered in the throne room, the advisors and military leaders began to debate the next course of action. The tension in the air was palpable, each word carefully weighed, each decision carrying the potential to shape the future of the kingdom.

Cosmos, for all his flaws, was still a powerful leader. He knew the stakes, and he knew that inaction could lead to disaster. "We'll begin preparations immediately," he announced, his voice firm. "We'll gather our forces, strengthen our defenses, and prepare to march on Obsidian's hideout."

Galaxia frowned but didn't argue. The time for debate was over. Now, it seemed, the only path left was war.

Celestia stood silently, feeling the cold reality settle in her bones. Her dreams of peace were slipping away, replaced by the harsh truth of a kingdom on the brink of conflict. But even now, as the plans for war were set in motion, she couldn't help but wonder if there was still some way—some final, desperate way—to stop the bloodshed before it began.

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